Chapter 12: The Love of a Vampire is Forbidden

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No one's p.o.v:
(I promise there will be someone's pov!! Sorry for always having it on no ones pov :') )

Fallacy knew he couldn't fall in love with Encre. Of course, it hurt his heart to know it but he had to. Most of the day, he was just thinking about Encre's cute fa- "No!!" He caught himself thinking about Encre again for the 37th time this day... He hated how cute he was. Every time he saw Encre smile, it pained him to know he had a major crush on him. But he couldn't help it. It was probably because of how short he was, or his artistic abilities. It was just something about him that made him fall more and more in love.

Fallacy went outside with a book in his hand to take his mind off of Encre. Flipping each page under the moonlit sky. "How can someone be this cute...?" He whispered to himself as his eyes looked at every word on the pages. His mind slowly formed pictures of Encre. His head only thinking of Encre and how much of a darling he is. "God... I can't keep my mind off of him." He sat down near a tree. The moon glistening through each leaf on the tree.

Fallacy p.o.v:

As I look up at the moon, I see the stars twinkling around it. Making the sky look even better. Just like Encre's smile... "Why am I thinking of such things at this time...?" I sighed. Placing my hand on my head.


I felt a warm droplet fall on my leg. Then another one. "What is this..." I touched my face, feeling pins and needles prick along my face. Another droplet onto my leg. "Am I crying?" I smile as I lay my head against the bark of the tree. "I can't believe this." I smile as I stare up at the pale moon. "A vampire... crying..! I'm so stupid for even being this soft. I have to pick up my act or I'll just be a pushover. A doormat, even."

I sigh, feeling pathetic. I stand up, walking back to my home. "Someday, I might have to tell him."

No one's p.o.v:

Encre is in his room, painting with a full stomach. He was satisfied with Suave's cooking. At this moment, Encre is thinking about Fallacy. His mind wandering around things, his feelings exploring his head. Letting his heart taking over everything. "I wonder if he likes me. Let's try something..." Encre puts away his wet canvas of paint and picks up a new one. He stares at the blank and empty canvas.

He lets his heart express through strokes of color. His eyes amble, his hand sauntering with colors of black, pink, red, white, green, all the colors in the book. Every color you could think of, he used. It was as if he was doing the Waltz, but with his fingers, hands, eyes, his mind. Gentle brush strokes filled his empty core with feelings like love, hate, disheartened. A mix of every emotion.
(thIS seNtEncE iS gRamMaticAlLy coRrEct bUt itS hArd tO reAd-)

As hours passed by, Encre takes his hand away from the painting. Leaving his paintbrush in the heavily tinted glass of water. He didn't even look at his painting before getting up and stretching. "Man, that got a hold of me. Well, it's time to ease off." It almost seemed as if he forgot about the painting, which is quite odd.

Encre walks downstairs, catching Fallacy coming in with his book in hand. "And where were you all along?" He continues going downstairs, only for Fallacy to walk up the stairs, ignoring his question. "Oh come on! You just came back!" Encre chases after Fallacy, running up the stairs. Fallacy was much faster than Encre since he is so short and Fallacy is tall. Encre steps in front of Fallacy, trying to stop him. But that f a i l e d . 

Instead, it made Fallacy trip, falling onto Encre, making Encre fall on the floor with Fallacy on top of him. So in short, Fallacy is on top of Encre, pinning him down. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Encre opened his eyes, seeing Fallacy so close to his face. Fallacy's face turned bright yellow with Encre following. Only his is rainbow blush. Fallacy couldn't even move because he's in shock. The same with Encre, but his shock only lasted a couple of seconds before realizing what pose they were in. "L-Lâchez-moi! (Get off!)" Encre pushed him off, rising up in a panic. Fallacy got up as well, dusting himself off. He didn't make eye contact and just stayed quiet, walking away in distress.

Encre bit his thumb, walking back to his room then looking at his desk. The painting he made... Was majestical. He didn't even know he painted that. "I PAINTED THIS?!?!" It was Fallacy, sitting with his eyes looking afar. "I have to hide this! Or he's going to see it! This is so embarrassing!!" Encre couldn't handle the fact that he made something like that. He needed a second glance. He looked at it again, then saw how pretty it was up close. It almost looked as if it had glitter on it. "Wow, I painted this?" He asked himself again. But when he saw Fallacy's face in the painting, it almost looked as if he was sad. It didn't show but it had a sudden feeling.

Encre was staring at the canvas, trying to figure out why he seemed so sad. That wasn't until someone knocked, scaring Encre from his trance. "O-One moment!" He quickly hid the painting somewhere he knew Fallacy wouldn't look. "You can come in now." It was Fallacy. He looked sweaty and scared. "I need you to come with me."


The Fallen Love of an Angel {Fallacy x Encre}Where stories live. Discover now