Chapter 6: Escaping Into the Truth

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Fallacy's p.o.v:

I walk out the door with Gazelle. I was depending on either ripping out their throats or just to peacefully communicate with them. I and Gazelle made it to the door, greeted by a group of Agsore's men.

"So you want to know where this Encre is?" I asked. They all nodded in approval. "Well, they must be in th-" I was interrupted by a loud crash. I snapped my head around only to be greeted by an exhausted Suave. "Suave, you ridiculed fool!" Suave flinched at my words.

He took a minute to catch his breath and looked at me with his exhausted eyes. "E-En-" Then his eyes shot wide at the sight of Asgores men. "What is it?" I asked with a bit of stern stinging my voice.

"U-Uhm... all..." His voice went a little low as he slowly walked away. I sighed as I looked back at the guardsmen, "I'm sorry, he never does this." I chuckle lowly. "Well, all we want to know is if you have monsieur Encre here." I nodded. "Yes, I understand, but whoever this Encre person is not here."

"Okay, that is all we needed. If you see him, report it to us right away." They walked away as I felt embarrassed by Suave's actions in front of the guardsmen. I stare at the door as Gazelle closes it, locking it as well. I slam my fist into the piece of wood, my anger slowly getting to me. My blood boiling. I turn around, walking with a quick pace towards Encre who I thought was in the garden.

Being greeted by an empty garden, I looked around frantically. "This was what I was trying to tell you, my lord!" I jump from the sound of Suave's voice echoing throughout the hallway. I snap my body around to see Suave's worried face. "I'm sorry, my lord." He apologized and bowed.

"It is fine. Just don't do it again." I waved my hand in dismissing but he didn't go, he looked at me as his face turned bland. I've never seen him like this... He said one more thing before he left. "Encre escaped..." That was when my anger snapped. I slammed my fist against the wall again. Creating a cracked hole. "What do you mean he escaped?!"


Encre's p.o.v:

I was still running, trying to find a way out of here, but it was like a never-ending maze. I looked all around the castle until finding two huge doors. It also showed the moonlight, gazing down at the floor.

I went close to the door, only for a voice that I recognize, saying, "And what are you doing?" I panicked, slowly turning my body around. It had to be Fallacy, ugh. "Trying to escape I see, hm?" I averted his gaze. "Yes, I'm trying to escape. I don't want to be here!" I stomped my foot down, staring at the floor. I quickly turned around.

I could feel the aura change, basically feeling his expression. He was hurt by those words "Ah. I see..." His voice sounded quite crushed. I felt a little bad, but I couldn't feel bad for a vampire that killed...




"Fallacy." My voice stood still. He turned back around as he looked at me. "Yes?" "I have a question." I looked at his face as it filled with interest. "And what is this question, may I ask?" My eyes threatened to cry, but I held it in.

"Did- ..."

"Did you kill my brother?"

-Sorry for not posting! I have taken a break for a while. But, I'm back! And I am kinda happy I am! So, I will be posting more. But hope you enjoyed it!- 

(Word Count: 634)

The Fallen Love of an Angel {Fallacy x Encre}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя