Chapter 16: Dancing Under the Moonlit Sky

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No one's p.o.v:

Fallacy was the first to wake up, as per usual. His head killing him, dark circles under his eyes (somehow-), and a groggy attitude. A bitter expression stayed on his face, trying to find his blood bags. Just a day without them made him peevish. "Where did Suave put them..." Fallacy kept looking around until he heard a soft voice. "Master? What are you doing?" Suave asked. "Suave." Fallacy snapped around, staring at Suave, his face now turning irritable. "Where did my blood bags go." His tone was demanding. "M-Master... You've been drinking one too many in a day... So I put them away, j-just for your safety..." Tears pricked at the corner of Suave's eyes. "Mmh... What's with all the commotion today...?" Encre came walking down the stairs, wiping the grogginess from his eyes. "Encre. Come here." Fallacy walked to Encre, not taking his eyes off of him. "W-Wha...?" He stared back at Fallacy.

The vampire walked up the stairs, grabbing Encre by the hand and taking him somewhere.

"F-Fallacy? What're you doing??" Encre asked. But no answer in response. Fallacy slammed Encre against a wall, staring deep into Encre's different-shaped eyes. "Let me feast upon you." Fallacy kept eye contact with the painter. "W-What? You've already had enough for one day!" The smaller tried to push Fallacy off, but he kept a tight grip on him. "Fallacy, you're hurting me...!" Encre winced. Fallacy was jealous. Envious of what happened last night. He wanted Encre to look at him like that. "I want you." He whispered. Encre stared up at Fallacy, taken aback. "What...?" "I want you to be mine."

Encre was confused, now knowing what to do. He stared up at Fallacy, furrowing his eyebrows, trying to show that he isn't scared of Fallacy. Fallacy stared back down at Encre before removing his hands, shock showing on his face. Like he had just realized what he's done. "I-I apologize. I don't know what came over me..." Fallacy blinked a few times before hearing a small chuckle. "You're probably just hungry." Encre was still a bit shocked from what happened, but hearing Fallacy apologize made him chuckle. "It's probably best if you do get your blood bags back. Let's go ask Suave!" Encre intertwined Fallacy's fingers within his own. Fallacy blushed before being dragged.

"Suave! Suaveee! Where are you?" Fallacy looked around a bit, "Suave? Where could he have gone?" They looked around a bit before hearing heavy panting. "Hm?" "Please, Gazelle!! I'm sorry!! I won't do it again!!!" Suave had tears pricked at his eyes as he was being chased around by Gazelle with a boiling hot teapot. "Suave?" "O-Oh, Monsieur Encre, Lord Fallacy!" He had his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. "You better not do that again, Suave!" Gazelle yelled before going somewhere else. "I'm sorry..." He stood up straight. "H-How many I help?" He gave a small smile. "Oh! We just came to ask about Fallacy's blood bags. His temper began to get quite out of control ever since you hid those blood bags." Encre wrapped his arm around Fallacy's arm. "A-Ah... Well, it just seemed like he was stressed out so I put them away, hoping it would help him. But if it seems alright for now, I'll bring them back. Maybe I'll order some more..." Suave walked away before bringing boxes of blood bags out. "Where did you hide them away?" Asked Fallacy.

"So this is where you've hidden them?!?" Yelled Fallacy. "Y-Yes... It was the place you least go into. So I hid them here." Fallacy clicked his tongue, "Are there any more?" Suave nodded. Soon, he brought out more. Fallacy stood there, arms crossed, and eyes widened with how much he's hidden around the castle. "So you're telling me. Fallacy has ordered this much?!!?" Encre scanned all of the boxes, seeing mountains of blood bags in each crate. "He can finish one box in less than an hour..." Suave gave a small, weak chuckle.

[Each crate has around 100-150 bags ^^'']

"Jeez, Fallacy. You sure do drink a lot." Encre smiled at him, a small chuckle leaving him. Fallacy looked off to the side. "I can drink around 5 boxes in a day. It's not that impressive." Fallacy scoffed. "Anyway, Encre come with me. Suave put the boxes back in the normal place. The place I know." Fallacy grabbed Encre's hand, dragging him to Fallacy's room. "W-What are you doing? You keep dragging me everywhere." Encre whined. "Hush." Fallacy stood in front of a window, opening it, then grabbed Encre by his waist and stood upon the windowsill. Fallacy took Encre's hand in his own, smiling a bit. "You could've asked me to take your hand." Encre giggled. "Would you like to fly? We can get a better view of the moon." Encre's eyes lit up. "Yes!!" He shouted. Fallacy flew off without giving a warning, making Encre yelp. "Jeez, a warning would've been nice." He pouted. "You're going to have to get used to me not giving one." Fallacy laughed. 

Fallacy kept a tight grip on Encre's waist. He waltzed in the sky like it was their dance floor. "You sure do like to waltz a lot. Not a bad thing though." Encre laid his head against Fallacy's chest. Fallacy smiled, a small chuckle leaving him. "Look at me for a second." Fallacy placed his fingers on Encre's chin. "Hm- !! " Immediately, Fallacy's lips touched Encre's. The smaller stayed in shock as the other had his eyes closed. Soon after, Fallacy was the first to break the kiss. "Wh-" Encre touched his lips, staring down to avoid eye contact. His face lit up in a rainbow. As for Fallacy, his head was running around like that one Spongebob episode. But on the outside, he was calm as ever. Encre stayed quiet for a moment before flaying around, covering his face, and squealing. But he kept kicking Fallacy's knee. "Ouch, stop kicking me." Encre wasn't listening because of how embarrassed he was.

Fallacy quickly fell to the floor, catching him off guard. Instantly falling on his back, a hissing noise leaves his mouth. "Oh, jeez...! Are you okay?!" Encre looked at Fallacy. "I'm... fine." Fallacy tried to get up. "But are you alright?" Fallacy asked, staring at Encre. Their face was close, making Encre go silent. His face turned into a rainbow mess once again. "A-Ah..." He glanced at Fallacy's lips then back to his eyes before shifting his gaze to the grass. "W-Wow! This grass sure is green...!" He chuckled, trying to change the atmosphere. But that didn't work on Fallacy. Fallacy yanked Encre's arm, pulling him back into one more kiss.

Encre's eyes widened before he slowly closed them. Melting into the kiss. [GET A ROOM] Encre slightly pushed Fallacy on his back, whilst Fallacy placed his hands on Encre's waist. Encre broke the kiss, a small smile on his face. "Goodness... How did it end up like this." Fallacy chuckled. "I honestly don't know." He smiled.

"Monsieur Encre?! Lord Fallacy?!" Suave YOU RUINED THE MOMENT. YOU FU--.

Fallacy looked over, and so did Encre. A small groan left Fallacy. "Ow, I think I hit my back a bit too hard..." Fallacy stood up with a sigh. "Let us go." He put his hand out for Encre's. Encre placed his hand in Fallacy's, before wrapping his arm around Fallacy's. Catching him off guard a bit, he smiled before walking towards the castle. "Don't suddenly disappear like that!!" Suave whined. "Sorry, Suave! We were just looking at the moon. It is a beautiful night after all!" Encre giggled. "It is. But let us go inside, it's a bit cold. And dinner is ready." Suave smiled. Fallacy walked inside with Encre by his side.

"Is it just me or are they closer than before?" Suave whispered to Gazelle. Gazelle nodded quickly. "They are closer...!" She whispered back. They giggled at the two talking and laughing together. "They're so cute together!!" She squealed. Suave nodded. "They are perfect together! We must keep them together...!" Gazelle nodded, a determined look in both of their eyes.

Encre and Fallacy soon finished their dinner and began heading to their rooms. "How about you sleep in my room tonight? It must be horrible to sleep in that stiff bed of yours." Encre shook his head. "No, no. It's fine. I'll be a bother." He smiled a bit. "You aren't a bother. If you were, you would've been out of here by now." Fallacy chuckled. Encre giggled as well, "Okay! Don't do anything suspicious... Or I'll leave right then and there." Encre gave a small scowl. Fallacy laughed a bit. "Of course. I will only do something to you if you allow me to." Encre blushed like crazy, plunging soft punches on Fallacy. "Why you...!!" Fallacy immediately picked up Encre, bridal style. "Here comes the bride, here comes the bride." Fallacy sang quietly, his deep, soothing voice making Encre blush. "Put me down, dummy!" Encre hid behind his hands, the feeling of embarrassment washing over him.

They made it to Fallacy's room, placing Encre softly on the bed. Encre yawned, getting comfortable in Fallacy's bed. As for the other, he smiled at how adorable Encre looked. A bit of blush rose on his face. Soon, Encre fell asleep. Fallacy smiled a bit before leaving the room, his face immediately turning into a frown. 

"When will this be over...?"


The Fallen Love of an Angel {Fallacy x Encre}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang