Chapter 7: The Truth

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Fallacy's p.o.v:


"Did you kill my brother?"

The words that came out of Encre's mouth... I bit my tongue. Hesitating to answer.

Back in the war...

A flashback into the war:
The fire spreading out from my home. Flying with a heavy body. The energy running through me. I continue flying after the weak mortal. He holds a baby skeleton wrapped in a blanket. He tries running faster, but it is no use. 

He stops. There is no other way out of the forest. "This place is like a maze."  He looks at me with a glint of determination in his eyes. "Now just give me the baby and I will leave you to your peace." Now his eyes show anger. "No! I will never let you have him!" His voice was croaked, raspy from running. 

"Just take me and leave him alone!" "So it shall be." My fangs extended rather quicker than I expected. Probably because I am hungry for a mortal. I pounced onto the small being. Piercing my fangs into the skeleton's neck. The screams of the individual were like music to my ears (?). 
( ._. )

After I finished drinking the blood from the sucked-dry mortal, I picked up a tiny pip-squeak that was somehow asleep. He was a toddler for his age. He almost looked as if they were at least 8. "Hm. I'll let you live on your own, little one." I looked at the dead mortal once again and flew into the tiny village.

I put him in front of a house that would fit him. He slowly woke up. "Mmh... Hm? Oh, hello sir..." I gave him a warm welcoming smile. "Are you okay being alone?" He looked at me confused. "What do you mean..? I'm with my..." 


"What happened to him, sir?" He asked the question, quite sadly. "Oh, he will just be sleeping for a while." "Oh... Okay. I mean, he sleeps a lot!" He laughed with a wide smile. I sigh, knowing that he will have to know sooner or later. But... 

It's time to take my leave.

Flashback over.

I looked at Encre, knowing what had already happened to him and his past. "What is wrong?" Encre asked. "N-Nothing..." I walked away feeling sick to my stomach from being overwhelmed just by this conversation. Encre yells out to me, "Fallacy! Come back here and answer my question! Right, this minute!" I looked back and saw his bristling face. "Just... Not right now." I bite my finger, sweating profusely.

I turn back and walked to my room as I hear him yell again. "What do you mean, not right now?! Goddammit!" He walks off in a fit. I sigh, sulking to my room.

The house is now quiet. Filled with the sound of nothingness. 

After a few hours, I hear a knock at my door. "What do you want?" I asked in a slightly agitated.

"It's Encre." His soft voice was muffled. I heard the doorknob click, my door opens slightly. "Are you okay?" I nodded and turned away from his sight. "You don't seem okay." He stepped forward and sat on my bed.

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you. I just need you to answer my question. Did you ki-"

At that point, I snapped.

 "Yes! I did! I killed your brother! End of the story!" My fangs extended, frightening him completely.

Encre stayed silent.

"Tell me more.." 

"I'll tell you later."

Encre gets off my bed. "Thank you, for telling me the truth." I felt the anger melt away, filling me with only shame. I turned around to look at him. 

His eyes, tear-filled. The exposure of the truth pervaded his head. 

Honestly, it made me want to cry.  "Encre, wai-" The door slams shut.

The silence.

The guilt.

Everything sunk into me. 

Realizing what I had just done.

I'm sorry, Encre...

--Yo, broskis! I am super duper sorry about the slow update on this story! I have currently been very tired and lazy in most of these stories! Again, I am very sorry! tee hee--

(Word Count: 685)

The Fallen Love of an Angel {Fallacy x Encre}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang