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Great. I'm stuck with Mangle! And if that wasn't bad enough... She got to be with Foxy for the other stupid assignment! I was seething with anger at this point. I tried my best to hide it, though. I allowed my blonde bangs to cover my eyes as the class buzzed with excitement from getting the partners they wanted. Lucky them.

Mangle didn't look at me, which made me even more mad. I sigh, picking up my favorite pencil and tapping it quietly against the desk. Mr. Purple took a huge gulp of his 7-11 Slurpee, amused at the excitement he caused. That stupid, artificially colored man... ugh.

"Alright, I want you to focus on the science project first," he babbles through a mouth full of Slurpee. "Cause like, I said so... and stuff." Is it possible to get drunk from a Slurpee? Because he was beginning to slur his words together. The bell interrupts him loudly. "Okay, now shoo! See you tomorrow."

We all gather our things and leave the school building, anxious to get home. I could here Freddy, Toy Bonnie, and Bonnie planning on playing video games. I could hear Balloon Boy and Mangle laughing at the latest scandal. And all the while... I'm wishing I had friends.

I've never had anyone to talk to like that before. Nobody to speak with about my troubles, my crushes, even the stupid gossip around the school. It was sad. My family is more wealthy, so kids would take advantage of my money and then leave. Its what made me so sour. I didn't want to be this way, but I've become jealous and mean. Even so, it was far too late to fix how I was.

I could hear footsteps running up from behind me. I turn around, then find none other than Mangle rushing up to me. Her pale cheeks were flushed and her pink lips parted as she panted a bit, holding out a paper for me to take. "What's this," I question coldly, unable to shake the feelings of hatred I felt towards her. They were hard to explain.

"I-it's just my number," she tells me sweetly, smiling sincerely. "We need to keep in touch... for our project." I take the paper reluctantly, shoving it into my sweater pocket.

"Yeah, thanks," I mumble, beginning to walk... all alone.
"Wait!" Mangle shouts again. I sigh, stopping, and she asks, "would you like a ride?"

"No, thank you." Not looking back, I continue to walk down the streets. She probably knew about my family's wealth, too. And the last thing I need is for someone to leave me again.

(Hi! FullmetalOtaku here... surprise? Lol! I finally did the chapter, though its sorta sad. That's just me for you, especially if you are familiar with my own works. I'm a depressin writer (though I came up with some funny stuff for my next chaps) I just wanted people to know why Chika was so mean! so yeah, had to make it depressingly relatable. okay byyyye)

HighSchool (fnaf story) *unedited*Where stories live. Discover now