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It's my fault that Mangle got ran over. It's all my fault that she's skinnier, with one eye, and has a second head. Now no one likes her, because she looked different. But who cares if she's different... I would love her either way. At least BB and his sister still talk to her. But I wonder if Chika still likes her as a friend.

I can't forgive myself. I guess I will lock myself out again. *Sigh*. But now I don't stand out now at school expect art, my favorite subject. And orchestra. I play violin. I always liked the violin when I was little, and now. The violin calms me down, and it reminds me of Mangle. Her happy smile brightening my darkness, her hair in curly pig tails kind of brings out her face...her beautiful face.
Even if she's mangled up, no one should be mean to her...

In orchestra, we played Autumn. It was like we were in Autumn, but it's winter. I always hated winter. Everything was cold, somebody always gets hurt besides me, it snows everyday, and it's all... dead.

I also like spring. Everything is alive. The grass so green. And the rain! The rain, falling on meh face. Feels nice for once. I hope spring will come soon.

Mangle is getting bullied. They call her, "skinny skeleton, two headed BLEH girl, one eye freak.." Like this isn't right. I wish I have the guts to stand up for her but people will hate me too than they hate Mangle.

Freddy, Bonnie, and Toy Bonnie are trying to cheer me up with try not to laugh or grin. On the second round, I can't stop laughing. They were laughing as well. All rounds, Freddy won. He is the only one who doesn't even try not to laugh or grin.

In art we did different shade with one color pencil. The picture was supposed to be a self portrait. The color I used was dark brownish red. It suited me.

Anyways I always want to roam in the grass like a fox. Alone, happy, and free. In the spring.

((Hey! Look at are cute OTP! Wittl Foxy wuvs his wittl mangle))

HighSchool (fnaf story) *unedited*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora