Toy Bonnie

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Today is basically my kind of day. I get an A on the art assignment, and my crush asked me out! I'd say that today, finally, I get a taste of being a winner. I couldn't believe it. I run up to my brother, so overcome with happiness, and pull him into a tight hug.

"Holy cheese, it's good fortune!" I scream, twirling around and around in this graceful circle. "Chika asked me out, Bonnie! Chika asked me out to the dance!"

"Whoa, kid, slow your roll," Bonnie says, bewildered. "Chika the Chicken asked you out?"

"Correct!" I declare, throwing a finger up in the air happily. "For once, I am not the loser of the family. Take that, old man!"

"Not a loser indeed..." Bonnie smirks. "So how did she ask you out?" He asked. "Well my good man, she walked up to me and said hey dood, come to the dance with meh! Come at seven and stuff..." I answer with character.

"Happy for ya man!" Bonnie smiles. "But you need to learn the way of the gentleman."

"Ok!" I shouted. "Teach me now!!" "Quiet down.." Bonnie shushes me. "Don't yell to loud ok?" "Ok... Guess I can't be myself... Sigh...."

"Ok... I'll tell you after school ok?" He kneels down to me with his hands on my shoulder. "Just hang in there... Ok? Don't tell everyone well until the dance comes."

"Got it sir!" I said with a solute.

"Tell ya after school, and remember, not to tell everyone!" "YES SIR!!!" I shout from the hall.

Today is a good day!

HighSchool (fnaf story) *unedited*Where stories live. Discover now