Grey puppet

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People always think that my brother The Marrionette is the happy one and me, the sad one. Just because my face looks sad and his face looks happy, it just not right you know.

Nobody notice me in well, all my classes. Am I just a ghost? The ghost of the Marrionette? Is it because of my mask I wear, grey tears and a sad face, and kind of a blueish greyish cheeks? I don't know.

Me and my brother are Asian. But I'm Korean from my dad and my Fratello is Japanese from my mom.(( The grey puppet takes Italian. Fratello means brother))

Actually I made 1 friend today. It was Toy Bonnie. We bumped into each other at lunch. The lunch food today was pizza and pasta. In the line Chika was in front of me. She was all like " I DON'T KNOW?!!"

Yea. Lots and lots of people ate weird. Like yea. So I just walk away.

HighSchool (fnaf story) *unedited*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ