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jisung should have asked minho why he was studying history. it obviously wasn't for pure pleasure but he got an answer as soon as they walked into the classroom and saw their history teacher sitting in her desk with a huge pile of papers next to her. that was the moment jisung knew he had to fear for his life.

should he burning the pile of exams and ran away? or perhaps simply turn around and ran away, without starting a fire. both of them would add some emotion to his life, he wasn't gonna lie, even taking the test and crying about the questions he doesn't know the answer to would add some feeling to his days - even though the first two options seemed cooler, he decided he wanted to cry that day. 

analysing it further, he never felt like studying history anyways, so maybe it wasn't that bad. he just sat next to minho who was clearly nervous. 

"what's wrong?" he whispered.

he looked at his friend and frowned. "already told you. i don't want to fail this class, duh" 

well, jisung didn't want to fail either but there wasn't much he could do in this moment to save his ass. minho passed him the test that he grabbed with shaky hands, being afraid to even look at it. minho noticed and looked at the boy, worried "what's wrong, sung?" he whispered. 

"i forgot about this" he replied embarrassed and zoning out while staring at the paper in front of him.

jisung checked out minho's paper and luckily for him they both got the same test despite sitting next to each other, which was something weird in this class. he saw how his best friend confidently wrote down his answers and felt worse about himself. 

"what does it said there?" he whispered pointing at one of minho's answers. he had cheated before on tests, but not like this. not copying or asking someone their answers. 

"boston tea party"

"han. lee. you both got detention after" the teacher said behind them and jisung turned around scared, knowing he was dumb enough to forget about her presence. they both sighed while looking at each other, defeated.


"i hate you. this is your fault" minho said jokingly while sitting down on one of the desks that was at the back of the detention room.

"c'mon, we just get to spend more time together but in a classroom. you didn't even talk to me in the whole weekend, what were you up to?" he asked to keep up.

"you didn't talk to me either, honey. i was just helping my mom at work, what did you do?" the brunette explained. 

happily, jisung told minho about his recent discovery. he explained how daisy was perfect from beginning to end, even the beat and lyrics: how everything matched up perfectly. the brunette enjoyed how happy the blond was about a simple song and how much his hands moved when telling something he was excited about. he had seen that behaviour many times before but he never got tired of it, being some of the reasons why minho liked being jisung's friend. it was impossible to be bored if you were around him.

"you have to listen to this song, i swear!" the younger insisted "you will thank me later when you absolutely love it"

minho rolled his eyes at his friend while laughing "you say that about every song and a few days later you start to hate it"

ignoring his friend calling him out, he insisted until he got what he wanted. jisung always did. "daisy by pentagon" he pouted "this one is different"

"fine" minho accepted. "but i will listen it when i get home"

"NO" the blond shouted, getting a 'sh' from the teacher that was in the same room as them. he apologised and whispered another 'no' to the elder. "i need to see your reaction"

minho looked at the younger while raising an eyebrow. even though he was used to jisung recommending new songs weekly, the brunette was able to see how jisung's eyes were sparkling more than they had ever had. 

after hesitating for a few seconds, minho took jisung's headphones from him, his mind filled with curiosity. why was that song so special? minho listened to it and couldn't deny it was a good song, but what was jisung so hyped about? 

"i like it" minho said when the song concluded. 

a wide smile was in the blond's face "isn't it great?" he said while jumping in place.

the older admired the boy next to him and proceeded to play the song again, just to see his best friend getting more hyped about it.


seven hundred seventy four words

daisy - minsungWhere stories live. Discover now