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the brunette left the gold and navy blue box in his drawer once he got home. on the way, he kept thinking which would be a good moment to gift it to the younger or maybe if he should keep it to himself, since he really liked the ring. 

he grabbed a towel and his phone while heading to the bathroom to take a bath, with the excuse to help him think about what to do about a simple ring. 

there was definitely more behind that accessory, but minho couldn't know why, why was it so hard to decide what to do with it? the brunette hasn't noticed yet all the things that were going through his mind, and if he did notice them -or most specifically, him- he brushed it all off.

after all, it's normal to think about your best friend when you see something they like. isn't it?

 that was until he played shuffle on his liked songs.

out of all the nearly thousand songs he has saved, it landed on one. and it was no other than his best friend's obsession, daisy. minho frowned and stared at his phone while getting undressed before getting into the bath. 

maybe this is a sign that i should give it to him.

the brunette began massaging his hair to wash it and help him relax. he didn't know what he was worried about, he just needed to relax. 

the biggest thing minho didn't consider is how much he had been thinking about a specific person recently. 


two hundred fifty seven words

daisy - minsungWhere stories live. Discover now