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it was a pretty sunny thursday, but instead of admiring the weather, minho's head was laying on the table him and his friends would always sit at the cafeteria. he had his dark blue hoodie on, trying to avoid the natural light that entered through the big windows and the artificial blinding lights, since he needed to sleep.

the black haired's sleep schedule was never something to be proud of, but recently it was worse than it has ever been, and everyone could easily spot that. in less than a week, the purple spots under his eyes had darkened and he would sleep in class, lunch, most times both of them.

all of his friends were worried before but now they had taken it more seriously, suggesting the boy to take medicine to help him since it seemed to never get any better. even though minho appreciated their concern, he was honest about it: jisung would keep him awake.

not that the blond was with him physically, it was just the constant thoughts about him. about them. fear had grown inside him recently, scared of what his best friend would think about his feelings that kept worsening. he even replayed in his head how good it felt to wake up next to him cuddling him, and needed more.

minho, as an eighteen year old, needed lots of things. but there was nothing that he desired more than having jisung in his arms, kiss the boy without worrying about what him or others would think, tease him nonstop -more than he already did- and being able to avoid blushing when the younger praised him.

"why don't you just tell him" changbin said and minho looked up to the boy sitting in front of him "it's tiring hearing you both complain about each other"

minho frowned and the rest of the people at the table turned their heads at changbin, the shortest shrugged "we all are tired of it" some of the boys nodded, agreeing with him.

the black haired was still confused, barely processing the information he had heard due to the tiredness attacking his body. he looked at all his friends around him expecting an explanation.

seungmin sighed and turned to minho after sending a deadly glare to changbin "listen, min" the older stared at him, still waiting for an answer "just talk to jisung"


"yes, we know you are afraid. just do it" hyunjin interrupted rolling his eyes before minho could complain. "auch" hyunjin had received a kick under the table by none other than seungmin, who loved his friends, but he was wishing they would be a little more helpful to the black haired. minho looked around him and suppressed his words, knowing nobody would care to listen anymore. he pulled his hair back, nervous.

he excused himself and left the cafeteria. being honest, minho had expected a little bit of sympathy from his friends. but at the same time he understood them, recalling the time he forced hyunjin to confess to seungmin because he was tired of the tallest male whining.

with a burst of confidence and shaky hands, he pulled out his phone and called the most recent contact, who was absent today due to a cold.

"hey sungie, are you free this weekend?"


five hundred and fifty words

hello there !! this is ending soon :( but i really hope that you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoy writing it,

moon <3

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