Chapter 10

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The soft rattle of the pills trembling in the container echoed through the once silent kitchen as Jungkook shook his wrist. The package of birth control looked pathetically small in his tattooed hand.

His head had tilted slightly to the side, one of his dark eyebrows raised in a questioning manner that radiated threatening energy. He was daring you to answer his question.

"Do I need to repeat myself?" He asked, his voice deeper now than it was before. "I'm going to ask you one more time, what's this doing here?"

To say you were terrified was an understatement. You were shaking now, it was that look in his eyes that did it to you. When he was this way with you, domineering, angry, and serious, it reminded you far too much of the man that took you that night in the parking garage all those months ago.

It had been almost a year since Jungkook had taken you, and in the time you had spent with him you had grown accustomed to separating the two parts of him. There was the man who took you, and the man who cared for you. The one thing that made them the same, created an overlap, was that both sides were convinced they loved you.

You were certain you looked like a deer in headlights, eyes wide and body frozen in fright. You had to think fast, incredibly fast or you would be facing the consequences of not only your actions but Jungkook's mother's as well.

Even though his father was gone, good as dead, and buried in the backyard, he still had left his imprint on Jungkook. The person you were looking at that moment, was his reflection.

This was all his fault.

"Your father gave them to me." You blurted out, your previous thought motivating the story you were about to spin.

Jungkook's head jerked back in shock, a look of disbelief and confusion crossing his features. "He wouldn't do that, he would never do that."

"Jungkook, it was no secret your dad didn't like me. He hated me. How many times did he try to convince you I wasn't the one? That you should let him get rid of me and you should try picking someone all over again?"

His eyebrows were pinched together in stress, his dark irises unfocused and darting from right to left in uncertainty as he listened to you. He knew you were right, his father had made many attempts to try and get him to let go of you.

You were going to have to play your cards very carefully. Jungkook emotionally and mentally was a mess. His father had died, by his own hands, he had witnessed you and his mother being attacked, one of you had gone catatonic, and now his sister was out for revenge. When he had taken you you had thought he was unstable, but now, he was a ticking time bomb on the verge of exploding.

"He told me if I didn't take the pills that he would kill me. He knew that if you got me pregnant you would never let me go. He was trying to give himself more time to reason with you so that he could get rid of me."

"But...why would he hurt you then if you listened to him? Why would he hurt mom?"

Fuck, you were really in it now. There was no room for error, you had to make the story believable and stick to it.

"Jungkook, I couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't keep it a secret from you any longer. I told your mom what was going on, I thought she had a better chance of getting through to your dad than I did, but I was wrong. He was furious, and when I told him that I didn't want to take the pills anymore, that I was going to tell you everything, he lost it. He told me that he was going to have to punish your mom for what she did and that he was going to finally get rid of me."

His entire body flinched when he heard the word "punishment," a blank look of dread rolling over his once stormy features. After your discussion with Taehyung and Jimin, you had a good idea of what he was thinking of at that moment.

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