Chapter 6

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Corey POV

I can tell that Kianna is a bit jealous by the looked on her face.

"No need to be jealousy Princess" I said.

She replied "who said I was though?" As she rolled her eyes.

"Your eyes do baby girl but let's focus on what we're here for" I told her.

She looked outside the car window. I brought her to Sea deck restaurant for us to chill for a bit and also to get something to eat. I want to know more about her because she seems like a very intriguing girl. There's something more to her and I want to know.

*Kianna POV*

"Wow, this place is nice. I thought we were just going somewhere to chill but I'm glad food is included" I said in my mind as I laughed out loudly.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked.

"I'm just glad food is included in the chilling" I said.

He smiled and said "you're a foodie"

I giggled.

We came out of the car and he spoke with a waitress and she instructed us where to have a seat and gave us a menu to choose from.

Corey POV.
Looking through the menu of food, I decided I will just go with curry shrimp and festivals.

"What's for you beautiful?" I asked.

She replied "there's so much to choose from and I just can't decide on what to take" as she sighed.

"Take your time Kianna" as I laughed.

"I think, I will just go with steam fish and mashed potatoes" Kianna said.

"Great choice" I said.

The waitress came over to our table, she took our orders and inform us that the meal will be ready in a hour.

Kianna POV
"I mean, while we're waiting I could just ask him a few questions" I said in my mind.

Corey & Kianna Convo

Kianna: Umm, how old are you Bulla?
Corey: Old enough, what about you?
Kianna: Why can't you answer a straight question?
Corey: My bad shordy but how old are you though?
Kianna: I'm 21 years old. I'm the only child for my mother and the last child for my father. (Did I just let him know that?")
Corey: No wonder you're so special.
Kianna: Tell me a little about yourself
Corey: Th..

As he was about to speak the waitress came over with our meal.
Every time he is about to speak someone always tend to interrupted him.

"Here is your meal miss and mr, I hope you enjoy" the waitress said as she smiled at Bulla

"Thank you" I said.

"I realized all the ladies love you" I said.

He smiled and replied "Do you want me for yourself baby girl?"

I replied "Nah, I'm fine" as I began to eat my meal.

We had our meal in silence.

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