Chapter 18

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Steppa run out with his gun in his hand looking up and down.

"Yo Steppa come inside Breda" someone called out

Steppa: Them pussy deh affi dead if anu now then a when??

Bulla: Take it easy Steppa.

Steppa: You never made for this life eno Bulla and you want we lay low but it not working out well

One the warrior: Me agree with Steppa eno Bulla.

Corey took his gun out and said, "every man shut up now. How you want to war man but you don't know who them be? Think, think! Who you ago kill Steppa, innocent people? Because as far as I know nobody knows who the shooter is. Am I lying or what?" He asked

Jordan: Me agree with Bulla. You can't want to war man when you don't know who you going for.

Bulla: Everybody lay low. Right now we need to know where the love chat Ute is and Steppa we need to talk about what you did to him, yzt?

Steppa: Me hear you mon.

I walked over to him and said, "I might not be a killer but at least I know how to live and that's what I'm going to teach you and everybody in this yard as of today"

"No more meeting in this yard as of today, no more event and stay off the street. I'm leaving now" Bulla said.

Jordan: We hear you young warrior. Safe trod.

Steppa: Alright Bulla. We ago just disappear out of the place for a while.

Bulla: Make sense

Corey's Pov

I left the community thinking how intense today was.

Who is sending hit? There are million questions I'm asking myself that I don't know the answer to.


How could I forgot to tell Mama P I'm home safe.

"Beep Beep Beep!" I blow my horn for the gate to be open.

The gate opened and I drove inside with my car window wind down.

I know my face tell that something is off with me because the moment I drove in the gate man asked, "You good g?"

I replied, "Yes I. There's nothing to worry about"

Gate man: Make sure because is not the only house I'm here to protect eno

I laughed and said, " I know man"

I parked the car and came outside looking around on how much things my brother left behind but I'm still not happy.

"Life is a bitch" I said and hissed my teeth.

I really need a drink, I need fresh air, I need a spliff, I need freedom

I went inside and pour myself a drink of Tequila.

There are so much things I need. I keep asking myself why over and over. Why my life?

I grab my phone and ring my grandma.
She answered on the first ring and I can tell she's upset.

Grandma: Hello Mr Davis, this is how you treat your grandmother you love so much?

Bulla: I'm sorry grandma. You know I love you.

Grandma: I was fretting for you Corey. Are you okay?

Bulla: I am fine grandma. How are you?

Grandma: I'm doing okay since I now hear your voice but I'll be even better if you were still here child.

Bulla: I understand grandma and I promise you, I'll be back very soon.

Grandma: Okay, I hope so boy.

I laughed

Grandma and I were on the phone for at least 2 hours and it was really a great feeling. It felt like when I was there yesterday laughing and talking with her.

My mind feel so much better even though shit is still going on around me but whenever I talk to grandma I always feel good.

I need to get some information on that chatty mouth boy. I took up my phone and ring chase

Chase is the detective that gave Corey information on Matthew and that's how he found out Kianna knew Matthew.

He answered on the 3rd ring.

Chase: Hey, what's up man?

Corey: I need some information on someone that is in my circle. I'll get a picture send you. He's from Trench Town. Can you help me with that?

Chase: Ofc. I'll send you my price and consider the work done.

Corey: Appreciate it.

*Call disconnected*

I trust chase that he will get me some good information on that boy to help me dig deeper in this shit going on.

Borborygmi ( Belly rumbling)

I need to get myself something to eat but before I do so, there is one more thing I need to do

I said "Hey Siri, call ......"

Thank you so much for reading❤️ Remember to vote, comment and share🙏 It's a rough journey. Who Siri is calling for Corey?

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