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We drove back home in complete silence. My mind is taking me to so many places I never been to. I don't know how to think straight.

Tamara: Kianna, Kianna!

I felt Tamara touch my hand.

Kianna: Yes?

Tamara: Are you okay?

I forced a smile and replies, "Yes"

Tamara looked over on me with a stern face and said, "Don't lie to me. I've been calling you way before I touched you and you never answered Kianna"

I started to get emotional. I want to cry so hard right now but I'm trying to prevent myself from doing so.

Kianna: I'm sorry Tamara. Can we get food before we go home?

Tamara: Absolutely.

Couple Minutes After
At Kianna's House

We both sat in complete silence while watching Netflix.

Tamara: How are you feeling bestie?

Kianna: I'm in shock Tamara. I'm pregnant for a man that don't want to have anything to do with me. How can I raise a child?

Tamara: What do you mean by how can you raise a child?

Kianna: This is so surprising for me. How can I tell my mom I'm pregnant? I feel so worthless

Tamara: Stop beating up yourself. We all do things we will regret but look at this as a blessing from God.

Kianna: I don't know what to do Tamara

Tamara: Listen up, You're going to let Bulla know and you guys can decide on what to do but for now please take care of yourself.

Kianna: Thank you.

Tamara: You're welcome. Now where's your phone?

Kianna: It is in my hand

Tamara: Send him a message

Kianna: I don't know what to say though Tamara.

Tamara took the phone out my hand and began to type a message to Corey...

"Hey Corey, I am sorry for the way I made you feel and I hope you'll find it in your heart to forgive me. I just want to share something with you...... I went to the doctor today and I am pregnant."

Tamara: Do you want to read it before I send it off?

Kianna: Nah, I trust you.

(Message sent)

Meanwhile in America
Corey's Pov

I've been waiting on Tristan for over 10 minutes in his night club and he is nowhere to be seen.

I don't plan on staying in America for long. I need to be back in Jamaica in a blink of an eye.

Tristan finally came and approach Corey while he was overthinking shit.

Tristan: Yo blood, sorry it took me so but I was in a meeting

Corey: That is good man.

We both gave each other our greetings

Tristan: The boy is no longer on the face of earth

Corey: Be more precise

Tristan: Matthew is dead bro.

Corey: Is that a good thing?

Tristan: For you yes. You don't need to worry about it. I didn't kill him plus police and everybody did off of him. He's in better place in hell

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