Chapter 4: The Test Part 2

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After that little fight earlier, the trio make their way through the forest, all the while, Deku and Akeno were having a conversation.

Deku: So, is lightning your quirk?

Akeno: Quirk? From the information I got from Rias, Quirks are your power system, in your world?

Deku: Yes, that right.

Suddenly there was a rustle in the bushes and Aikon gestured to them to stop.

Aikon: Wait... it's a person, and they're alone.

Deku: Is it one of those soldiers?

Aikon: Only one way to find out.

Aikon walked up to the bushes, with the two following, then someone jumps out.

Yang: Hello! You've just met your new teammate.

Yang: Hello! You've just met your new teammate

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Aikon: 'Oh its her again...

Aikon: Yang, right?

Yang: Yup that's me!

She then gets all up close and personal with Aikon.

Yang: So big guy~ Tell me about yourself~

Aikon started blushing, then Akeno cleared her throat, catching their attention. She briefly glared at Yang before speaking.

Akeno: Anyway, I think we should take shelter, it's getting dark.

Deku: Right. I guess we can use some of those trees.

He said, pointing to the trees.

Yang: I guess that can work.

Aikon: I got a better idea.

Aikon then raised his hand towards the tree and fired a Ki blast, creating a hole in the biggest one.

Aikon: There we go!

Everyone: What's his Quirk/Sacred Gear/Semblance?

They enter the tree, and it had enough space for all four of them. They sat down and Izuku decided to speak up.

Izuku: So, do we have a plan on finding the artifact?

Aikon: The question is, do any of us have a general idea of where it is?

Akeno: While I was scouting from the air, I saw a huge cliff, east of here.

Yang: Do you think that's where it is?

Akeno: Possibly.

Yang: Alright then! We'll rest up today and head there first thing in the morning!

Akeno: But it's across the sea.




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