Chapter 11: Superior

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The out worldly power of Udon continues to reach new heights, Aikon watching in horror as his power kept on rising and rising with each passing minute.

Aikon: N-No! I can't let him get any more dangerous! HAAAHH!!

Powering up, making his aura explode as he rockets towards the beacon of energy, kicking right into it as an audible thud was heard.

Udon: Did you honestly think that would be enough to stop my rising power? Pathetic!

Aikon suddenly feels a devaustating pain towards his face, the force of the punch sent Aikon hurling through several pillars and destroyed buildings, as the saiyan regained his balance, flipping over and landing on his feet, clutching his throbbing jaw with his hand.

Aikon: God damn that hurt like a bitch...

Before Aikon could get up, Udon was already infront of him, and kicked him square in the chest, knocking the wind out the saiyan teen as he gets sent flying back once more.

Udon disappeared from the spot he was in and re-appeared behind Aikon, ready to punch him, but right when his fist was launched forward, Aikon flipped around, twisting his body and locked his left leg over Udon's arm, and with his other leg, kicked him away, but only making him skid back, the kick not doing much in the first place.

Udon: Hmm, nice kick, but I can do better!

Udon zooms forward, leaving a massive crater behind him from the speed he moved, followed by a rush of wind as he appears infront of Aikon, who puts his arms up to block whatever attacks coming, Udon swings his leg, and it hooks onto Aikon's arms and forces them down from the block, leaving open as Udon launches him away with a powerful roundhouse kick.

Aikon: AGHH!!




The two rushed at eachother, clashing forearms and fought in close-quaters combat at high-speeds, Aikon was at a disadvantage however, his transformation was draining his stamina at a fast rate, making him sloppy and was getting hit by Udons strikes.

The two rushed at eachother, clashing forearms and fought in close-quaters combat at high-speeds, Aikon was at a disadvantage however, his transformation was draining his stamina at a fast rate, making him sloppy and was getting hit by Udons strikes

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(Toei was lazy with this fight sequence I swear)

Aikon was clearly struggling, and Udon took advantage of that, continuing to put on the pressure, as he pulls his fist back, striking Aikon in the gut with a powerful punch, causing him to gag up some blood, and then got slammed down into the ground below, making Aikon bounce off it and upwards for a few seconds, and suddenly, Udon appears before him, kneeing him in the chest sending him upwards, appearing above him again and grabbing his face, slamming him into the ground, creating a massive crater underneath the both of them. He stepped back and marveled at his work, crossing his arms as he did so.

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