Chapter 14: School Invasion

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Where we left off we see the group in a room sitting in a couple hologram chairs, all looking at the director as they stand in front of a large projected screen, showing a list of the current students at Union Academy on one side and a bunch of plans for future endeavor's.

Director: Let us begin.

Everyone: ...Yes sir.

Director: So, on that last mission, you've retrieved the scroll am I correct.

Citris nods, pulling out the scroll the director smiling at this and making it float towards him taking it seeing the history.

Director: Splendid.

He then flicks his wrist and the scroll is teleported away.

Director: So, what do we know about our adversaries so far?

Kaimera: Well. One of them, the main problem is a saiyan.

Aleum: From what I could gather he wasn't supposed to be sent to conton city along with those other brats. He's here completely on accident.

Director: I see...and not one of you tried preventing this from happening?

Citris: By the time we had knowledge of this occurring it was already too late. Our deepest apologies.

Director: Hmm. I see. Well if it was out of your control I can't punish you for it now can I? Anyways I've done my research on these students. In strength, power and everything else the Saiyan rises above all of them, especially if the information Udon provided me is true. Then he is a bigger threat than we've imagined.

Everyone remained silent, Citris speaking up.

Citris: How is this inexperienced saiyan such a threat to us Director?

Director: Oh, in due time Citris my dear. But I do have a next assignment for you all.

Everyone had their attention focused now.

Director: The Boosted Gear and One For All. Bring me the users of those powers.

Cumber: Why them specifically? Their far weaker than the Saiyan in terms of strength and everything else.

Director: While that is true, their powers are extraordinary.

He plays a clip of Midoriya using One For All and the clip of him going a 100% and Issei using his boosted gear to boost himself and his balance breaker scale mail and his juggernaut drive.

Director: The green haired boy can increase his power output by however he pleases...and if need be go beyond 100% and...I feel like there is more to this power than just stockpiling strength. And the, lecherous individual. His boosted gear shows similar perks but at a higher scale, showing no limit to how far he can grow depending on his physical condition.

They then turns to the group with a calm smile being seen despite the hood covering most of their face, their smile giving off an eerie vibe which sent shivers down their spine.

Director: With those power sets in our possession, it will bring our plans even further into fruition.

Aleum: So all we need to do is capture them?

Direction: Their DNA or anything would do really. I would prefer if you capture them but do what you can in what seems the most efficient in your eyes.

Cumber: Leave it to me. Escape would be futile when I'm present.

Raika: I vote I should go, Cumber here might accidently kill them and leave nothing left.

Cumber: Tch. And we can trust you to even finish the job?

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