Chapter 8: Ski Resort

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Right now, the superpowered teens are now flying on a private jet, to a location no one knows, Aikon has his face pressed up against the glass as he looks out into the clouds.

Aikon: Woah! We're so high up!

Izuku No kidding!

Yang: You know, for a person who can literally fly, you sure aren't surprised.

Aikon: Well I never flew this high before! Its amazing!

Weiss: Will you be queit! I'm trying to sleep!

Weiss puts her head on Aikons shoulder sighing, making Yang jealous.

Weiss: Finally.

Alright to cut it short, Aikon is sitting in between Yang and Weiss and all the CANON! MHA ships are sitting next to each other, and the others just sitting with their friendos.

Aikon: Why on my shoulder?

Weiss: Cause my heads already on it, deal with it.

Aikon: Ok jeez.

Yang did the same with a pout on her face, surprising Aikon.

Aikon: You two Yang?!

Yang: Shut up. I'm tired.

Aikon: (What a drag -_-)

Issei, who was sitting infront of the saiyan say this and clenched his fist tightly in jealously and anger.

Issei: (DAMMIT! That damn asshole! First he stole my win against that guy a few weeks ago, reject Rias' offer, now this?! Stealing two of one of the baddest chicks in school?! This ticks me off to the core!!!)

Koneko, who was sitting next to him, pulled him roughly down to his seat.

Koneko: Sit down you perv.

Issei: Heh, sorry Koneko...


Izuku: Not yet kacchan...

Katsuki: SHUT UP DEKU!

Izuku: -_-

Ms Kai: We're here!

Katsuki: FINALLY!

Headmaster: Have fun!

They all looked confused, then the side of the private jet opens and everyone got sucked out and started freefalling.

Everyone: AHHHHHH!!!!

Ms Kai: That wasn't nice.

Headmaster: Its fine, Aikon's with them and...*Puts the jet on auto-pilot* We can have fun~

Ms Kai blushed immensly, then realized no one else is there, as the side of the jet closed.

Ms Kai: O///O Ok...

They played chess.

Back with everyone else

Weiss: WHY?! JUST WHY?!


Katsuki: Quit your whining sword boy!

Katsuki then used his explosions to manuver around the air, Izuku followed suit, and kicked the air with 20% of OFA, causing a blast of wind pressure to propel him forward, the devils sprouted wings from their back and floated in the air.

Aikon just flew in the air using his ki, Team RWBY used glyphs to jump down along with Team JNPR.

Aikon landed on the snowy ground first with a thud, followed by Katsuki and Izuku, then the devils, then Team RWBY and Team JNPR.

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