Chapter 12: Spar with the Dragon

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Headmaster: Move! Move! Move!

Multiple time-patrollers, followed by the headmaster and sensei, arrived shortly after Aikon's defeat. They were escorting the injured with stretchers into a portal back to Union. Not everyone was injured severely, but some had notable wounds that'll form into scars over time.

Most notable are the ones who took lead in the fight against their opponents. Being Ruby, Deku, Issei and Aikon.

Patroller 1: Jesus, these kids have suffered alot being here..

Patroller 3: No kidding, especially these 4.

Patroller 2: They should've asked for backup when the situation got too hectic, their kids for gods sake!

More time patrollers and medics agreed with Patroller 2 said, as the Headmaster and Sensei asesed the situation.

Sensei: So..members from ''That'' group stole a time scroll and attacked...

Headmaster: Yeah..and those kids had to deal with it...

Sensei: What timeline did that scroll contain?

Headmaster: Well, we're not sure yet.

Sensei: This is not good. If these people are attacking we're sending the kids back to their respective universes!

Headmaster: ....No.

Sensei: What?!

Headmaster: We brought these kids here for a reason, to increase their potential as warriors...and...we have a Saiyan on our side as well, they're all good assets, we just need to train them properly.

Sensei: ....I hope your right about this...

She said as she looked among the injured students and patrollers rushing to help.

Headmaster: *Sigh* Me too...


It's been a month since the time patrol mission, and everyone had recovered and was up to full strength.

(If you wondering how, Senzu Beans)

The headmaster gathered up everyone to the training grounds, explaining to them that they need to train themselves incase they run into those guys again. Which of course scared some of them thinking they might have to face those people again.

Mostly everyone worked on improving their skills, with Aikon working with Deku on improving his output of One For All.

Aikon: So your only able to draw out 20-25% of your power, and at your max its 45%?

Deku: Yeah thats right, the only time I was able to use the full power of my quirk was with assistance...I need to get stronger, I can't be a hero if I don't have the strength to protect everyone.

Aikon: I see...well then.

Aikon gets in a fighting stance, which confuses Deku.

Aikon: Lets train your body so you can handle said power yeah?

Deku nods and gets in a stance, activating full-cowl.

Deku: Yeah!

The two then started training, Aikon holding back A LOT to make sure he doesn't kill Deku, as most people watch on.

Todoroki: Seems like Aikon is helping Midoriya control his power better.

Bakugo: Heh! Like that'll work out!

Blake: Why are you so negative all the time? It's like your scared of Midoriya surpassing you-


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