Chapter 9

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(Slight NSFW warning)
Uzui POV

It's been two weeks since we got in this hotel. And those two weeks were hella boring.

"I'm bored." I said floating around on my back in the water looking at the night sky

Mitsuri,Obanai,Sanemi and Giyuu were hangout at the pool. The others were supposed to join us. I wonder what their doing.

"Then let's play a game." Mitsuri proposed. "But let's wait for the others."

As if on cue(or is it que) Mui took a swan dive in the pool. But thats not what I was paying attention to.

Kyo stood a few feet from the pool to avoid the plashes cause by Mui. He was laughing and smiling brightly at Mui's childish behavior.

He was wearing a red shirts that had flame like patterns that complimented his hair. He also had a red towel hung on his left shoulder.

Soon after Shinobu came too.

"Okay I've selected a game for us to play." Mitsuri said sitting on a blushing Obanai's lap. "Truth or dare."

"That game destroys friendships." Giyuu said sneaking being Sanemi for god knows where.

"Noon Manopoly destroys friendships, this one just dents them." Shinobu pointed out.

"Good to know." Giyuu said sweat dropping.

"Okay Sanemi truth or dare?" Mirsuri asked starting the game.

"True I'm to tired to anything. He said yawning. "Are you aware that the dorm rooms aren't soundproof?"

Both Sanemi and Giyuu froze at the same time. Some of us including myself was laughing at the couple.

"Tch, whatever at least bastards know what's mine." He growled sinking deeper into the water. "Oi butterfly bitch truth or dare."

"Dare." Shinobu said taking a sip of her iced tea. "Prank that Douma bastard."

"Already done." She said pointing towards a door a few meters away from our pool. A screaming Douma ran out the door diving head first into the water. He was then followed by a stressed pink haired bastard. I smirked at the urked mark that appeared on his head.

"Uzui." I felt someone hit my right bicep to see it was Mitsuri. Damn it was her turn already.

"Yeah?" I asked a bit out of it. "Truth or Dare?"

"Dare." I said feeling confident as always. "I dare you to let Rengoku-san sit on your lap."

A blush made it's way up my face. I looked over at Kyo to see his face just as red as mine. I quickly picked up my daringness and smirked.

"Dare accepted." I said pulling myself out of the pool and sitting on the marble floor.

Kyo made his way towards me and lowered himself onto my lap.

'I swear I'm gonna kill Mitsuri for this.'

Mitsuri POV

I was getting tired of the sexual and confused tension between my non biological cousin and my best friend. So I along Obamai took matters into our own hands.

We cancelled most of the things we were supposed to do so it could lead to this moment. And my plan was going smoothly.

"How long will it take?" Obanai whispered/asked in my ears.

"I don't know let's just hope that this plan works."

Rengoku POV


I'm sitting on Uzui's lap. I think I can die in peace now.

'Kyo your over reacting a bit." I thought trying to think about wholesome and completely different.

As if it was for the sole purpose to no ruin or prevent me from thinking about it I felt something.

I-it was his.... How could I even feel it if he's not even hard. Trying to find out how I could feel his length made me semi hard.

For those who never experienced this it's super hard to cove an erection when wearing soaked shorts. I shifted around a bit trying to hide it when all of a sudden the feel on my butt got even more pleasant.

I heard a soft groan come from Uzui and that wasn't helping the current situation.

Uzui POV

I was watching Gituu perform his dare which hold his breath for fifty seconds underwater. I was paying all my attention to him,well I tried atleast.

I then felt something move on my crotch. It felt so good and it was continuing. Feeling a bit weak and unbalanced by the pleasure I leaned my head on Kyo's shoulder and let out a soft groan.

'This is so embarrassing.'


Hey guys sorry for not posting all day yesterday I was being lazy. Warning smut in next chapter.

Word count:755

The Sound of the Flame: Rengoku Kyojuro x Uzui TengenWhere stories live. Discover now