Chapter 10 (NSFW)

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NSFW warning: Overstimulation, daddy kink, Rough and Raw sex.

Rengoku POV

My body froze as I felt his length poke my ass even more than before. I bit my lip to silence a whimpers.

Uzui's strong arm then wrapped around my waist pulling me onto one of the benches location beneath the water.

'Did he know?'
'This so embarrassing but it feels so good.'

The cold water slowly started to tame my length but I didn't feel Uzui's shrinking.

A few minutes went by and I still felt him. The thought of him shoving his lenght in my ass got me hard once again and the cold wasn't helping this time.

I let out a quiet moan as I started to shift once again this time on purpose. I'm made it just loud enough for Uzui to hear hoping he got the message.

Uzui POV

The game was continuing and it was going to slow for my liking. I just want to go to my room and fuck the hell out of Kyo even though I knew it wasn't possible.

The thought of slamming my cock into Kyo made me harder than I was before. I also noticed the bulge in Kyo shorts.

'Was he getting turned on to?'

(A/n: No shit he's getting turned on but the stupidly obvious sexual tension between you two!!!!')

He started to move again resulting in me holding back a groan. He then let out a moan I only heard.

I couldn't hold back. I let out a fake yawn getting Kyo off my lap.

"I'm beat." I said acting tired. I then grabbed my towel wrapping it around my waist. I quickly rushed off to my room.

'I can't take this anymore,screw my pride.'

Rengoku POV

Uzui just made up some bullshit excuse and left me. Great I was in a pool turned on. What made it even worse is the fact that I'm a baby virgin. I've never even touched myself before.

"Oh, would you look at the time it's so late." I said quickly getting out of the water and wrapping my towel around my waist.

I left as fast as I can going to the room Uzui and I shared. I slowly made my way towards the door a bit nervous.


I heard a loud yawn and turn around. It was Uzui. He then leaned down to my ear.

"Met me in the room in ten minutes." He said in a demanding voice making it clear that he wasn't asking.

*End of Flashback*

I gulped as I slowly opened the door trying not to make a sound. As soon as I closed the door a tall figure pinned me against the door.

Uzui then started sucking and biting on my neck. By the way he was doing it I could tell he was mad about he teasing him.

"C'mon I know you could do better." I tounted the taller male.

He the bit a spot that caused me to moan out.

"You were saying~?" He asked in a seductive tone.

He threw me onto the bed, literally ripping off my shorts.

"Those were my favorite." I pouted but that pout quickly turned into a moan as he licked the slit of my nine inch cock.

"Ah~." I moaned as he kept kitty licking me.

The Sound of the Flame: Rengoku Kyojuro x Uzui TengenWhere stories live. Discover now