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"Please get the fuck outta my car, Pharaoh."

Milan turned her face towards her steering wheel, trying to block him being anywhere near her out of her head.

Ramses continued to laugh at her irritated disposition. "Oh, so now I'm Pharaoh huh? Last night you were real fond of my government." He teasingly reminded her.

Although she felt heat rush to her face, Milan pushed that aside and kept to her cold demeanor.

"Yeah, we need more distance from each other than I thought. My bad."

He didn't have a quick witted response for that. The car was silent for a beat, then she felt his hand guide her face towards his direction.

"I don't plan on keeping more distance than I am from you right now. Is that a problem?" Ramses's tone dared her to say something that went against his statement, and with the temperature rising in the car by the second, Milan wanted to agree to keep him right where he was or closer...

But, being close to him is exactly what put her on Chrisanto's lap less than thirty minutes ago.

"Yes, it actually is. Have you forgotten who you are? A Blood Lord, and my brother—"

"I don't want no parts of your brother, I'm here for you, Mi." Ramses's cut her off before she could finish her sentence and Milan didn't take that lightly. "My brother is a Disciple. You know this. You may want no parts of him, but he's part of me." She went on to say.

Ramses withdrew his hand from Milan's face and sat back in her passenger seat once again. He smoothed the brim of his hat and faced forward, obviously upset with her standing her ground on this. Milan loved his straightforward-ness, but she didn't want to give him false hope either.

"And, don't your cheesing ass have a girlfriend? That lil hot thang that called me a hoe." Milan punched his shoulder a little too hard for playfulness, but that was her getting her lick in on the woman in part as well.

Grabbing a piece of gum and trying to act normal, Milan popped it in her mouth but once again that all too beautiful smile made its way back onto Ramses's face; disarming her. He glanced over at Milan, humor dancing in his eyes as well.

She had never noticed before, but with the street light beaming down slightly on his face; his eyes were a deep hazel.

God, he just keeps getting finer.

"You don't need to be worried about Tati. She ain't nothing to be afraid of."

His answer definitely didn't put her mind at ease though.

"So, she is your girlfriend and you're breaking into other girls's cars on her. How romantic." Milan dryly championed, taking a pink scrunchie off of her gear shift and tying her hair up. Like she'd thought before, the car just kept getting hotter and now she was beginning to think it was all in her head with the way Ramses was cool, calm, and collected in the other seat.

Ramses watched her silently from his place as she picked her hair up from her neck and wrapped it loosely out of the way. His eyes following her hands like she was a piece of art. When she was done and dared to make eye contact with him again, her breath hitched a bit as the full intensity of his gaze was laid on her.

"Ramses... what do you want from me?" Milan questioned softly.

Her heart was beating out of her chest almost just from nervousness. His smell intoxicated her senses, a heady mix of cologne and the energy he exuded almost had her seeing stars. It was apparent he knew just what he was doing to her.

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