Prologue: The Escape

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3rd POV
A man is seen stand in-front of an armed guard. He's a counselor here to interview a death row inmate.

Counselor: alright, There you go pen, lighter, and wristwatch, I feel like I just lost everything in a hand of poker, can I go in now?

Guard: Sorry but you have to leave your tie clip and cufflinks too.

Counselor: This guy may be some atrocious criminal, but still he's in that high tech acrylic, bulletproof cage isn't he, and there's something else your overlooking.

Counselor: I have a blackbelt in karate remember?

The guard sighed and began to pullout a picture from his chest-pocket and showed it to the counselor.

Guard: This is a picture of the counselor who came to see Y/N 2 years ago.

The counselor looked in horror as he saw the mangled face of the last counselor.

The counselor looked in horror as he saw the mangled face of the last counselor

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Guard: During the interview Y/N spoke quietly so the counselor moved closer. Too close tp the opening in the cell. By the time we called out a warning it was too late.

Guard: Y/N only needed a second to put his plan into motion, he grabbed the counselor through the opening for the meal tray and punched him and what you see there is the result. As for how he opened the cell he ripped out the counselor's dentures and bent them into the right shape and then he used the dentures to pick the lock.

This changed the counselors tune as he hastily began to remove his cuff links.

Counselor:*Scared* you said cuff-links right? And I'll leave my belt too just in case!

Guard I thought that you might see things my way.

They began to walk to the cell holding the dangerous criminal while the counselor held his pants up.

Guard: I'm sure I don't really need to say this but don't get close to the acrylic partition, and remember your the only one who should be asking questions in there.

Guard: If Y/N asks you anything or challenges you just ignore him.

The guard unlocked and opened the door for the counselor.

Counselor: Wait I have one more question!

Guard: What is it?

Counselor: Is what they say about him true?

The guard looked down and sighed again.

Guard: In all honesty I don't know you'll just have to ask him yourself. He back there on the left.
Counselor: Ok
Guard: During the interview keep against the far wall. By the way just forget you have a blackbelt in karate the previous counselor in that picture was an all-American wrestling champ.

The counselor gulped as he shakily walked towards the cell gripping on to his pants. Upon reaching the cell he looked in shock letting his pants fall.

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