Chapter 4: The Hanma blood rebirth!

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3rd Pov
We now see Y/N in a hazmat suit cleaning up a city block along with several others.

Y/N: Man I love my job! It pays well and I love cleaning. It's a match made in heaven!!

Supervisor: Y/N! You and Kafka are on intestine duty!

Y/N:*chuckles* although it does have some downsides.

We now see Y/N puking into a bucket while his coworker shudders uncontrollably.

Kafka: God I hate intestine duty!

Y/N: Yeah, and the worst part isn't the smell, it's the sight of it that's burned into your eyes!

Y/N: Yeah, and the worst part isn't the smell, it's the sight of it that's burned into your eyes!

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Kafka Hibino
Y/N's Coworker and senior
Age: 32

Kafka is Y/N's senior and since Y/N started working here they've become close friends.

Y/N: Well it's almost quitting time which means no dinner for me.

Kafka: Agreed.

Y/N looked at his hand before covering one of his eyes and staring at the sky.

Y/N:*thoughts* For the past few weeks I've kept having the same episodes like the one in the bathroom. Every time I look at my reflection I kept having visions of Him and hearing his stupid voice. It feels like he's clawing away at me. And there's the "talk" I had with Allmight.

Shortly after Y/N best Allmight, he waited for him to come to after he did he asked this to Y/N.

Allmight: What do you plan to do with Izumi?

Y/N: Nothing, I promised to help her prepare for the Entrance Exam and that's what I'm gonna do.

Allmight: Do you plan on telling her?

Y/N: I-I-I don't know.
Flashback end

Y/N:*thoughts* Should I tell them? What if they hate me? What if they tell the cops? That could endanger their chances of getting into UA. But they're my friends maybe they'll understand. Oh, who am I kidding if they found out they'll hate me!

Kafka: Y/N a little help!!

Y/N: Oh right coming!!!

With Izumi
We now see Izumi sleeping with her eyes open for some unknown. This was pretty strange for classmates because she's been acting strange recently, she's been zoning out, and her reflexes have been going off like crazy. Just then a student tried to throw a paper ball at her but she caught it and threw it back!

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