Chapter 14: An Old Friend's Resurrection.

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Y/N: Ugh.

Y/N was currently at work but as of late, he was plagued with constant migraines. for the last couple of weeks.

Kafka: You alright man? You look like crap.

Y/N: Yeah Yeah I'm fine, just a little migraine.

Kafka: Alright, whatever you say.

And then the two got back to work. Several minutes later Y/N fell to his knees gasping for air.

Kafka: Y/N come on man you need to make a break!!!

Y/N:*weakly* N-No I'm fine. Just need to-BLEGH!!!

He puked up his guts as well as a lot of blood.

Manager: Y/N you need to see a doctor.

Y/N: No! No doctors!! They just wanna take my money!!!

He shakily got up but then fell back down.

Manager:*sigh* Kafka, take Y/N to the hospital Goji you go with them to make sure he doesn't try to escape.

Goji: Alright.

Goji: Alright

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Chikyū Goji

Another one of Y/N's co-workers, although they've gone out for drinks occasionally they wouldn't really call themselves friends.

She picked him up and threw him over her shoulder.

Goji: Come Y/N let's get you to the doctor

Y/N:*weakly* Noooooo!

We now see the trio sitting in the doctor's office. After a quick X-ray and several other things the doctor finally came in.

Doctor: Alright, so some news. One good the other bad. Starting with the bad news Mr. Hyde it seems that you have a small object sitting at the base of your skull.

Y/N: Hmm.

Doctor: The good news is it can be removed right now if you want.

Y/N: Yes. Absolutely. Let's get to it.

One quick surgery later

We now see Y/N laying in a hospital bed, once again with his two companions at his bedside.

Y/N: There we go.

He then tried to get up but-

Y/N: GAHH!!!

Y/N: GAHH!!!

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