Coughs and Sneezels

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Bill and Ben are Tank Engine Twins who work at the China Clay Pits. Before BoCo came, they both were at it with Edward, but since Edward had to work at Wellsworth most of the time, Sir Topham Hatt told them a new engine was coming to help. They didn't know who, however, the Fat Controller expected BoCo two weeks after he made the announcement. BoCo came in a week earlier than planned in attempt to escape the corrupt confines to which he had worked and lived in for ten years. This change would take both Bertram and the Twins by surprise.

Bill puffed out of the mine with a second line of trucks. Ben was asleep. Bill decided to bang the trucks behind Ben to wake him up. So he did. Ben woke up in a fright.

"Hey! Hey! Woah there! Watch it, Bill!"

"I told you to watch the trucks, Ben!"

Ben then realized what was going on. "Wait a minute! Where did the trucks go?"

Ben's Driver noticed a patch of oil on the tracks. It seemed pretty recent. "It's a diesel." He said.

Bill looked at Ben. "You were the one having problems with your engine, Ben. I told you to get it fixed! Coughs and Sneezels spread Diseasels!"

Ben coughed and spluttered. "Stow it, Bill."

Bill's Driver laughed. "Stop quarreling, you two. Let's go save our trucks."

"But the Diseasels will be magic us away!" Bill gasped. "Just like the trucks!"

"We'll more likely magic him!" Ben's Driver said. "Listen here! They might not know you both are twins, so if we remove your nameplates, we can fool him!"

"Yes!" Bill's Driver agreed. "We'll show him."

And so, they took off the nameplates and set off toward the Harbour, the only place he could be.

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