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The Fat Controller couldn't believe what he had found out. He thought all about it on the way back to his office. He quickly thought of an idea. He phoned every single Militia Base he could think of throughout the entire United Kingdom. He told them to look through their files of anyone who has served from 1934 to now who was discharged and resides on Sodor. These calls were taken urgently, seeing as Sodor was allied with the U.K. during the First and Second World Wars and it was Topham's brave battle tactics that helped them through quite a few of the battles they had to deal with.

With everything being prepared, Topham knew there was one more thing to do before he could take off for the United Kingdom and that was to put someone, or a group of people, in charge. He thought about it for a moment before making up his mind.

Dirty Deeds: A Thomas and Friends StoryWhere stories live. Discover now