In This Village, It's Either Death or Worse Death

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"Mother said that she would love to have you at the next meeting."

"She did?"

It's been about a week since Lord Heisenberg healed your arm and took that bottle of beer. During the days leading up to Monday, you worked yourself hard to get the order ready by the morning of. You thought that he might show up earlier than expected but that didn't happen. Lord Heisenberg showed up just as you were closing. He handed you your money and took the bottles and keg. He even provided you with a second keg for the next week.

It was now Tuesday and you and your uncle were curled up on the ground and watching your favourite out of his movies, the Music Man. It had to be one of the only Romance movies that your uncle had that didn't make you uncomfortable in some way. Besides, the music was pretty good.

"Yes," Uncle Sal exclaimed, practically vibrating with excitement. "Mother looked very excited when I told her about you. She told me to bring you to the next meeting early. You also get to stay for the meeting too!"

You stared at your uncle, the movie completely forgotten. "Did Mother Miranda say that? She wants me to participate in a meeting?"

"Yes! She also said to keep it quiet like usual. The rest of the villagers don't need to know." Uncle Sal nodded his head excitedly as a million thoughts raced through your head.

Should you tell Lord Heisenberg?

No... maybe? No.

By the stars, I'm going to be in the same room as the most powerful people in the village.

Does Mother Miranda know that I know about the Cadous?

Oh, they're going to think that I'm imposing!

I have to bring gifts.

You stood up abruptly and looked around. "Uncle Sal, could I please use a pen and paper?"

"Sure..?" Your uncle raised a brow. "But why?"

You rushed around your uncle's living space in looks a the pen and paper. "I have three weeks before the meeting and I am not going empty-handed." You let out a cry of success when you found the pen and paper. "I need to know what each Lord likes to drink so I can bring a peace offering." You rushed back to your uncle's side when you caught your reflection. "By the stars, I can't meet Mother Miranda and the other Lords looking like this! I need to save up for something more presentable."

I'm going to have to talk to the Duke about it, he can get me a good deal and I can just use what he would give me as payment for the dress.

You set the paper down on the table and began to scribble out the names of each Lord with Mother Miranda's at the top.

Mother Miranda-

Lady Dimitrescu-

Lady Beneviento-

Lord Heisenberg-

"So," you said as you turned to your uncle, "what do the other Lords and Mother Miranda like?"

Your uncle was beaming as he told you what to bring for Lady Dimitrescu and Lady Beneviento. "Alcina loves red wine, but I do suggest that you add some virgin blood to it. Virgin is her favourite kind and she can't eat or drink anything unless it has blood in it." You nodded as you jotted down Lady Dimitrescu's preferred drink.

Uncle Sal stood up and walked towards the small phone he had near his bed. "Donna doesn't drink alcohol, she doesn't like the taste. But I know you've been working on something for kids so maybe do that with Donna's drink. She loves strawberries and oranges."

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