Freedom Has Never Been So Scary

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"What is taking him so long?" Heisenberg grumbled from your hiding spot. "The sun will be coming up soon."

"Okay, it's not that late," you said, rolling your eyes. "Give him time, you did send him down to the bottom of the factory."

"He knows where he's going now," Heisenberg argued, flexing his saw arm. "What do you think?"

"You look absolutely terrifying, love," you chuckled. "Like a blob of metal and flesh."

"Oh, stop," Karl teased, waving a hand. "You're gonna make me blush."

You and Heisenberg were hidden next to the nearby mountain, you in a small cave, and Heisenberg just out of sight. He couldn't exactly fit anywhere else so you did what you could. A military radio was next to you that Karl could easily access with his Electro Magnetism so you could communicate when Karl starts his fight with Ethan. You had a hunch that Miranda would show up after the battle like when she had crows watch you die and report back to her. Both Karl and Ethan could be in danger with her nearby and you needed to sing so both Ethan and Miranda would see Karl Heisenberg die while the dead man walked free. You were able to start a spell by singing behind Heisenberg when he taunted Ethan through the speakers. Karl told you earlier that Ethan had a teal ring around his pupil, indicating that Ethan was once again under your spell. You just needed to get Miranda to fall for it one last time.

A loud explosion pulled you from your conversation with Karl, startling the both of you. Karl glanced around the mountain to see the tank he worked on so long ago for you before you got your new power. That tank was unfinished and made of a metal-polymer composite so you would have free range of the vehicle and its explosives. Seeing Ethan drive it was infuriating to Karl especially when he never finished the Godamn thing. Karl didn't care if Ethan was an engineer, it should have taken him a good few hours to get the tank functional. Someone was in the factory that Heisenberg didn't know about. 

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Heisenberg growled, glaring at the tank.

"What is that?" you asked, scowling at the tank. "It has your handiwork written all over it."

"That was supposed to be a gift to you back before your implantation," Karl answered, growling. "I stopped working on it when Miranda kidnapped you and left it in Basement Four."

"And you knocked him down into the basement," you said, realizing how Ethan got his hands on a tank. "Well, let's look on the bright side, it'll be easier to make it look like Ethan killed you."

"It'll also make my slip-ups all the more lethal to me," Karl said, prepping himself to jump. "That thing's made of a metal-polymer composite like the chains in my medical room. I can't fucking control it."

"Can you control the weapons?" you asked, raising a brow. 

Karl paused as he glanced at you, nodding with an evil grin. "The rockets are still made of metal and so are the bullet casings. Made them myself so I could keep your aim true if need be."

"Well, now you're going to keep Ethan's aim true," you said, gesturing to the tank in the distance. "Have fun, Love."

"I will, Meine Liebe." Karl didn't say anything else as he leaped into the air and dropped down in front of Ethan and his fancy new tank. "You're like a goddamn cockroach," Heisenberg growled. "You think you can take me on? Fine. This will be my warm-up before I kill that bitch." Heisenberg straightened up and raised his saw arm before charging at Ethan. "Let's settle this, mano a mano."

Heisenberg charged at Ethan, ready to strike with his saw. Ethan responded by firing one of the missiles at Heisenberg, slowing him down. From your little cave, you had a perfect view of the fight and hissed at the size of the explosion. It didn't help that you knew what blowing up felt like but Ethan never had to use that big of an explosion against you. That alone probably would have killed you and it made you realize just how durable Karl was in his final mutation. Sure, you were much stronger when you were in your final mutation as a Mélusine, or Lorelei as Karl says, but Karl was on a much different level. There was clearly a reason Karl Heisenberg, the Lord of Metal, was the strongest out of the Village's Four Lords.

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