Being Blown Up Isn't as Glamorous as I Thought It Would Be

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Ethan was moving faster than you thought.

The man was on a mission to kill you and you were fucking ecstatic about it. With the absolute bloodlust Ethan had, it would be so easy to fake your death. Miranda wouldn't see you coming when you would finally bash that bitch's head in. Of course, you actually needed Ethan to finish restoring power to the sluice gates which he was practically zooming through. You had to give it to the guy, at first glance, he was impulsive and wore his heart on his sleeve. But Ethan was also intelligent and driven. The man was a fucking force of nature and was quickly finding his way around the Reservoir. You greatly respected him for it.

That doesn't mean you didn't make it hard for him.

At this point, you were really just teasing. A very deadly kind of teasing but teasing nonetheless. You destroyed unimportant, unstable structures near him with large waves to keep him on his toes. Ethan's reactions were pretty funny. Especially when you would jump out of the water when he got too close to the surface. It was fun to watch him flinch and waste his ammo shooting at your scales. The bullets just bounced right off of you and ricocheted into the nearest building or they whizzed passed him. Eventually, Ethan understood that he was completely helpless against you unless he drained the Reservoir. Needless to say, that was enough motivation to get his ass in gear.

"Oh, Ethan," you called in a sing-song voice. "Where did you go, little guppy?" You giggled as you circled the Reservoir, pretending to look for him. You knew he's already gotten up to the second windmill and cut the power it was creating. You had destroyed the path Ethan originally crossed to get to where he was just to make it harder for the guy. It was evident that you succeeded when Ethan let out a frustrated shout when he saw the damage you did.

"Isn't this your home?" Ethan shouted, frustrated with you.

"I've been meaning to fully gut this place for a while," you shouted back, shrugging. "I mean, have you seen the water? It's disgusting!"

Ethan practically felt a vein pop in his forehead as he listened to your taunts and teasing. It just kept pissing him off. Ethan would be happy to finally kill you when he drained the Reservoir. While Ethan knew you wouldn't be completely helpless with the water drained, it would even the playing field more. Ethan also noticed your hesitance to go near the sluice gates. He thought the gates were already leaking and you didn't want to get sucked into the undertow, but you just didn't like the gate after the last time you were up close and personal to it. Ever since Uncle Sal's death, you made sure that the power to the first windmill was shut off. That first windmill was what powered the sluice gates and they didn't need power if you were going to keep them shut for eternity. Besides, if the Reservoir overflowed, your Hydrockenisis could get the extra water over the gates. Now, it was time to see how the Reservoir looked without all of the murky, disgusting water.

You watched as Ethan prepared himself to zip down the electrical cable connecting the first windmill to the second one. It was a smart plan, especially with the power through that line being turned off. You decided to give Ethan one last scare before he drains the Reservoir. As Ethan soared overhead, you swam around to get momentum before jumping out of the water as high as you could. You almost bit Ethan's leg when you reach his height and laughed when he shouted. There was a large slash as you fell right back into the water... on top of an old roof. Yeah... maybe not your best idea. That shit hurt.

"Damn," you huffed, rubbing your shoulder. "Not a good idea."

It took only ten minutes for Ethan to open the sluice gates and only thirty seconds for the water to completely drain. You stayed hidden in a very ruined building that you were surprised was still standing. Your tail's mutation was slow and painful as your muscles slowly ripped themselves apart to form your legs. You groaned as some blood poured out of the wound before being completely sealed by your scales. The skirt you usually wore had blood staining it while your corset was struggling to stay together after your gills kept trying to shred through it so you could breathe. In hindsight, you probably should have changed into something that left your ribs exposed. 

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