On The House

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Strutting out the doors of the Sisters of Quiet Mercy, a fall breeze tickles Veronica's neck. She sighs, making her way to the limo she's always used to get around town. Smithers opens the door for her, gently nodding as she thanks him while sliding in.

      Once they're a ways into the drive back, Smithers breaks the tense silence of the car.

"Did it go well, Miss Lodge?" The kind older gentleman glances in the rear view, making eye contact with the solemn girl.

"I believe so," Veronica sighs. "I just hope she folds. As Daddy always told me, the way to get a good negotiation is to exploit their weaknesses full force."

Veronica twists her hands, toying with the pearls around her neck. Using her father's advice had always felt wrong to her, no matter the context. But the morals Hiram Lodge had instilled in his daughter ran deep, no matter how much she tried to change over the years. They were engraved in her mind and her heart, something she resented dearly.

"Don't worry my girl, I'm sure things will work out. You did a good thing here today, helping all those children in there." Smithers smiles, reassuring her. Veronica manages a small smile back, an ache forming in her heart.

"Betty" it cries, "she would've said the same."


"Yes, Miss Lodge?"

"Can you bring me to Pop's, please? I could use a chocolate shake right about now." Veronica requests gently, and Smithers takes a right towards the tracks. 

"Of course, Miss Lodge." He replies, ever the dutiful assistant.

Once she's arrived, Veronica thanks Smithers and promises to call him once she's done. The bell above the door to the small town diner jingles, announcing her arrival. Pop himself is behind the counter tonight, and he beams at the young girl.

"Well if it isn't my favorite New Yorker! Veronica, how've you been?" Pop exclaims warmly, motioning to a seat at the counter. The girl sits, resting her chin on her hand.

"Hi Pop. Not quite perfect but once I get one of your specialty milkshakes I'll be closer!"

Pop chuckles at the response, nodding to himself.

"I hear ya, I hear ya. The usual?" He asks, Veronica nodding in response. Her usual witty responses are nowhere in sight, so Pop's smile fades a little.

Turning to the machine, he whips up her favorite double chocolate shake. Meanwhile, Veronica scrolls through her phone, pictures of her and Betty whipping past. The emptiness of losing Betty, her one true friend, has consumed Veronica in the small and quiet moments like these. And the knowledge that she hasn't been the best friend Betty deserved while she was still here haunts the young girl.

She stops her rapid swiping, landing on a picture of Betty, Archie, and her at the dance. She zooms in on Archie's beaming face, sighing. She studies him for a minute, moving the picture to zoom in on Betty. They both looked so happy, and it hurts Veronica to imagine they aren't smiling next to her right now. She studies their faces once more, pondering where they could be and cringing at the image of a battered Betty and Archie her mind supplies. Whenever she thinks of them, she fears the worst.

Pop sets down the milkshake and an order of onion rings. Veronica looks up, startled.

"But I didn't order the-" she starts.

"I know, it's on the house." Pop replies gently, placing a hand on the counter. "We all see how strong you are, I mean, we all miss Betty and Archie. Just these last few weeks, I've been missing seeing the gang in your usual booth. Betty, why Betty always brought food home for Hal or Alice. She made sure to tip at least twice what the service was even worth! Such a sweet girl. And Archie, sheesh, that boy would drain me of my milkshake supply! He and Fred would always come in, Saturday mornings. Been seeing Fred every other Saturday morning now, sits by himself. It's heartbreaking really, seeing a single father like himself without his child. Breaks your heart to know he's missing his boy like that. But you kids, you feel it too. I seen Cheryl in that booth with Kevin for the past week, but she won't even order the usual cherry sundae. You kids ever need anything, let me know, okay?"

Veronica nods, a sad smile forming on her lips.

"Thank you, Pop. For everything," she responds. Pop merely nods, wiping down a part of the counter.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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