Grave Mistake

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     "I can't believe it," she cries out dramatically. Cheryl rolls her eyes at the Lodge's dramatics. Veronica sheds a tear, pursing her plump lips. "They're sold out of tickets for the show! I was gonna ask Archiekins to escort me." She pouts, complaining loudly to Cheryl who couldn't care less. Right now she's got bigger things to worry about. Last night Archie was taken, most likely by the same people who took Betty. Shivering, she imagines both tied up, beaten and afraid. She has to do something, has to plan a way to track them down. But Veronica's insufferable whining is getting on her nerves, making it impossible to think.

Cheryl sighs, then addresses the clueless Latina in front of her. Veronica has yet to have heard the news about Archie, so Cheryl takes it upon herself to not say anything to the already over dramatic Veronica.

"Listen you knock off Regina George, I really would love to hear more of your little dilemma, but I've got much bigger problems than a stupid concert. In case you forgot Betty, my cousin- hell, your best friend-is missing. With a capital 'm'. Do you even care? You seem to not be bothered, and that bothers me." Cheryl flips her hair, scowling. Veronica swallows, tears pricking her eyes.

"Cheryl, of course I care. I just...right now I guess I'm just in shock, you know? I mean, I was with her a day before it happened. I saw her, and then she just disappears? It's hard Cheryl. Really hard. Losing the B to my V has broken me more than any of my daddy's bad deeds. And to know that I've been such a stone cold bitch to her and started some stuff before she left? She probably hates me, hell I do too. She doesn't know how much I love her, cause she thinks that I feel she's in the way of me and Archiekins. I know that. But selfish as it was, I liked it. I thought that she'd just leave him alone and stop her pathetic pining.'s not pathetic, it's just-... oh god Cheryl. I miss her so much, Cher." Her voice breaks, letting loose to sobs. Cheryl's face softens from her stone cold frown, and she comforts the raven-haired girl.

"I'm sorry, I know. I miss her too. So much. And trust me when I say, whoever's taken her has some serious hell to pay. Because I will find her, and them, and when I do...well," she chuckles softly. "Let's just say they'll wish they'd been bit by a real snake." Veronica just nods, her eyes darkening. For she may have been jealous of Betty and Archie's closeness before, and had even wished sometimes that her blonde bestie would just go, but whoever had taken her had made a grave mistake crossing a Lodge as well as a Blossom.

In the town full of pep, they were the two wealthiest and most powerful families. Now that the two heiresses were teaming up? It was safe to say there would be a rioting of sorts for the Serpents heads, for not only taking the boy next door, but also for the blonde ray of sunshine that kept them all together. Whether it be for better or worse.

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