A little bit

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     The door bangs open, breaking the silence. Betty crawls over to Archie, afraid for what would come next. Archie pushes her a little behind him, an arm wrapping around her protectively. He won't let anything happen to her, not now.

Jughead scoffs, then strides over to them. Crossing his arms, a sarcastic smirk spreads across his face. Betty catches a flicker of something in his eyes, something that gets her heart racing. And in a good way?

"Oh, how cute. You two turtle doves have gotten cozy already. Good, good." He grabs Archie up by the collar of his shirt. "Listen Buddy, you and I are gonna have a chat. Then, me and Princess are gonna have one as well."

"Stay the hell away from her. Don't you dare touch her, you sick bastard." Archie grumbles, struggling against the tightened neck of his shirt. Jughead just chuckles, his face turning deadly serious.

"Why? What're you gonna do about it? As of now, you are both my property. I will do what I need or want to do with either of you. And really, Andrews? Do you think that badly of me? That I would hurt such a beautiful girl?"

Archie just seethes, knowing full well that he has already done something to his best friend.  Betty's curled up in a ball, crying. Jughead punches Archie across the face, his glare silencing any cry Betty would let out.

She wipes her eyes, sitting up.

"Leave him alone," she says meekly, afraid that Jughead will kill her for speaking out of turn. Jughead whips his head towards her, enraged. His eyes are a brighter blue than normal, burning a hole in her skull. He drops Archie, instead turning his attention to the petite blonde in the corner. As he strides over to her, she starts to shake uncontrollably. Yes, her mother was bad, but this? This was far worse. Alice would never leave more than a small gash, but the Serpents? They didn't care about keeping a perfect image. And that's what scares her.

Jughead kneels in front of her, reaching out to touch her arm.  He hates that he makes her tremble now. Before, he never really cared, but now? Now he might care a little bit. Noticing this, he pulls his arm back. Instead, he just speaks softly to her.

"Okay,Princess. But that means your turn is first. I'll have Toni come down to watch over your boy, but I can't promise he won't get hurt. Same for you, sweetheart." He pulls her up with a little less force this time, and places her arm around his shoulder for support. They walk down the hall, Betty still shaking.

Toni and Fangs rush by, having a heated discussion. Their whispering hisses into Betty's ears. Toni winks at Betty, assuring the girl she hasn't forgotten her promise. Betty smiles weakly in return. Toni's eyes widen, then she sprints down to where Betty and Archie are being held captive.

"In here," the raven-haired boy grumbles, pushing open a door. He flips a switch, the once dark room lights up. Inside is a desk with a chair, a couch, and a few plants. The desk has papers strewn across, a lamp sitting on the corner of the surface. He sits Betty down on the couch, wrapping rope around her wrists and ankles. "So, Betty Cooper. Do you know why I brought you and Archie here?"

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