Breaking Point

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Betty's POV
After at least two more milkshakes, I stand up and announce that I need to get home.

The sun is just setting, sending streaks of yellows, pinks,and reds across the sky. It's breathtakingly beautiful. I take the shortcut in the park to get home before my ever-controlling mother interrogates me for being late.

The sky is getting darker, and I can barely see two feet in front of me. I usually don't go this way, but at this point, getting home is my main goal. I stumble over a tree branch, and gasp as blood starts dripping off my knee.

"Oh, just what I need right now, more blood." I think as I brush myself off and stand. I finally get home, but am hesitant to walk inside. After taking a deep breath, I step through the front door.

"Elizabeth Cooper, is that you?" My mother bellows as soon as I pass the threshold, her tone as sweet as acid. I sigh, fully knowing the questions that will come, and then the hits. I check the clock and wince, realizing that the clock at Pops is off by twenty minutes.

"Shoot" I'm thinking as she waltzes through the foyer, knowing full well that she is aware of my tardiness.  She finally reaches me, her smile sickly sweet, her eyes condescending.

"Where were you Elizabeth? And who were you with, and please don't tell me that wretched Andrews boy and that vile Lodge girl." She asks me.

"Actually mother, I was at Pop's...with Archie and Ver-" I reply appearing calm and confident, but terrified, knowing full well what's about to happen.

A harsh slap cuts me off. I close my eyes, feeling the sharp sting mere seconds later. And then, another slap. And another. The right side of my face goes numb.

"I told you Elizabeth, you are not to hang out with those Heathens. They are less than perfect, and if you associate with them, then you're less than perfect. And if you're less than perfect, I am not perfect, and if I'm not perfect, then this family will fall apart. And it'll be. All. Your. Fault." She sneers, each sentence punctuated by a hit, before sending one last slap across my face. She struts down the hallway, leaving me in tears by the staircase.

I'm silent as I stand there, know full well that if she hears me cry, the extent of my punishment will cause me to have a 'sick day' at school. I climb the stairs to my room, lock the door, and sit on my windowsill. I can't take this anymore. After fifteen years, it's only natural for a person to have a breaking point, right?

I see Archie stumble into his room, tripping over a stray item. He's on his phone, and isn't really paying attention. I quickly open my window a bit, and whisper into the night.

"Arch...I need your help"

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