Let Me Go

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Darkness. This is all she can see. When she had told Archie at the age of nine that she was afraid of the dark, she hadn't truly understood how bad fear could be. But now, now Betty realizes how naive she had been. 

  She has no idea where she is, who she's with, and what lies outside of the darkness. And that is when she truly comprehends what fear is, and how truly monstrous it can be. The sack over her head is suffocating her, the air filtering in gasps. As her fear was becoming greater, she starts to feel faint, her breath coming in gasps her shoulders shuddering. She swings her fists wildly, hoping, praying to disable the vice grip around her waist.

Attempting to punch her attacker earns her a swift hit to the head that sends her falling into the darkness that surrounds her.

     As her eyes flutter open, Betty takes in her surroundings. She's in a dimly lit room, clearly in a basement. Three figures are talking by the door, aggravated.

     "What do you mean you know her?"The tallest figure seeths as Betty struggles against the ropes confining her wrists. Her head is pounding, and she can feel the blood trickling down her forehead, leaving a trail of crimson behind. Her hands grip the ropes, claw at them, trying to free themselves.

"Yes I know her, okay? Look it's a really long story, but whatever. The point is, when she recognizes me, it's all over. She's going to tell her..." the shorter shadow's female voice breaks through the tension. Betty's desperation is suffocating her, the breath catching in her throat. How did the girl know Betty? After all, Betty wasn't a regular to kidnapper parties.

"Aw shoot, Sweets?" The last figure whispers towards the taller male.

"What Fangs? Seriously, can't you see we're having a conversation? Let Topaz finish, then we'll go to Boss and let him know we got her, if that's what you're peeing yourself about." Sweet Pea, she assumes, snaps back.

"Uh, but Sweets, she's waking up..." Fangs trails off, staring at Sweet Pea fearfully. Betty forces her eyelids shut, stirring a bit to make it convincing. She's shaking, and it's taking everything in her not to scream as footsteps get closer. After a minute, she slowly opens her eyes, first peering through her eyelashes. A shadow is towering over her, the glint of metal meeting her eyes.

She opens her eyes fully, her green eyes meeting dark, almost raven brown eyes. She gasps when the tip of a blade is pressed against her throat. The boy's eyebrows furrow, his face stony and brooding.

"So pretty...its a shame we have to hand you over to Boss...but hey, that's just how it is huh? So pretty pretty, how about you and me take a walk,yeah?" He smirks, yanking her to her feet. Betty protests greatly under the duct tape covering her pink lips, squirming around. The blade is pushed harder against her throat, and she whimpers.

"Hey, Fangs, careful with her. Boss'll want her in one piece, and I gotta say...that is one gorgeous piece,eh?" Sweet Pea mutters gruffly. If this were any other circumstance, Betty would've rolled her eyes.

Not now Elizabeth, hold back you instincts. You have a knife against your throat for Pete's sake...just breathe, it'll be okay. She thinks, everything blurring together as she's guided down a worn down hallway,being shoved roughly onto the concrete in the doorway of another room, this time though, it's darker and more beat down. All three of the others leave, and she silently cries. A drainpipe drips overhead, the steady sound of water hitting the floor making her antsy. She needs to get out of there, now. But, how? She struggles against the ropes again, her feet scraping against the concrete.

Footsteps come her way, the echoing ominous. She gasps when a foot is shoving into her ribs, and the duct tape on her mouth is ripping off.

"Don't try to escape...its useless" Sweet Pea growls. Taking her chin in his hand, he glares into her eyes. "You aren't going to make it outta here alive, got it? You're here because we need you, and trust me blondie, you are not going to make me disappoint my boss. Got it?" He practically hisses in her ear, his voice heavy with hatred and malice.

She spits out blood, coughing. Her breathing is raspy, and she glares at Sweet Pea.

"Need me for what,Chick Pea, was it? Huh? I'm just a teenage girl, okay? I don't even know who your boss is, okay? Please, just please, let me go. Okay? I...I won't tell anyone about what happened! The police will never know nor will any adult or anyone with authority. Please, just let me go." She whispers hysterically, her voice hoarse.

"My name is Sweet Pea" he growls before he slaps her across the face. "And you...you aren't as innocent as you think,blondie. So no, I won't let you go. So if I were you, I'd prepare to meet Boss. 'Cause trust me sweetheart, he isn't gonna be as nice as we were he'll be practically...venomous"

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