"As You Wish"

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   The ginger's eyes flew to his window the moment Betty's  voice gently floated through his open window, along with the soft summer breeze. His eyebrow quirks up, amused, cause why would Betty need him? But as he walked closer to his window, his amusement disappeared at the sight of her. She was a mess, crying, make up running, and a bruised cheek.

"Betty, oh my God, what happened? Are you okay? Who did this to you? Betty oh my god!" Archie whisper-yelled out the window, his concern so visible that it hurt Betty to even look at him. The giant bruise didn't help either.

"Arch...it uh, it was my mom." Her words hung in the air, and his brown eyes flew up to Alice's bedroom window. He was mad, no, furious. How could a mother hurt her daughter like that? Archie thinks, his mind racing, searching for answers.

Suddenly, memories are rushing through his head. Days when Betty appeared to be wearing too much makeup, or when she wore long sleeves on hot summer days, or those  times when she didn't come to school after claiming to be 'sick'. And with those memories came guilt. Guilt for not realizing this sooner, for not seeing the signs. After all, he's her best friend, isn't he supposed to protect her?

Betty looks up again at him, seeming to know his thoughts. Her eyes are pleading, and he can't ignore the look she's giving him.

"Arch...Arch no. Do not tell anybody, please. I'm okay, really. I just-never mind. I shouldn't have said anything."

"Yes, yes you should have, Betty. This isn't okay, this isn't right. How long has this been happening?"


"Betty. How.Long?" His words are sharp, yet caring.

"Since I was four...it wasn't bad at first, I swear. Just a few light slaps, but when I was ten...that's when it got bad. Look, I just, I can't leave. What if she finds me? Then she'll...she'll...look, I don't know what she'll do but it won't be good." Betty was crying again, her breath coming out in shudders.

Archie can't stand seeing her like this. So, he grabs the nearest tree branch and lowers himself to the ground. Climbing up the side of her house, he can't help but feel nostalgic as he remembers doing this so many times. Shaking his head, he reminds himself that this is nothing like those times.

When he reaches her window, he climbs through. Betty, sitting on the bay window's ledge, hugs him immediately. He wraps his arms around her, and just sits there, stroking her hair. They've  been there for each other over some tough times, but nothing like this. Archie doesn't know what to do. But then, he does, and it breaks his heart.

Taking a breath, he thinks this through, and realizes this is the best for her right now.

"Betty, pack a bag." His voice is quiet, hoarse even.

"What?" She peeks up at him, her eyebrows furrowing.

"Pack a bag Betty. I need to get you out of this house. Please, I need you to be safe. You're my best friend, so I need to protect you. So pack a bag, and I'll help."

"Al-alright. But where am I going to go? I can't stay with you, she'll find me. Maybe a hotel, by the Southside?"

"The Southside Betty? But you could get hurt or worse just walking the streets this late." Archie was protesting, but he knew that she was right.

"C'mon Arch. I'll be fine, besides, the Southside's been quiet lately. Just, let me find a good hotel, okay?" Betty was staring into his eyes, and he couldn't say no to his best friend, not now. So, he sighs reluctantly and gives in.

"As you wish Betty, anything you want." And with those final words, Betty embraces him, glad to finally escape her house of horrors.

I'm going to be honest here, I LOVE ARCHIE ANDREWS. Some Bughead authors make him out to be the bad guy, but I really don't think putting him in that light is what I want to do. I also want to apologize for not updating as frequently. I have basketball ending soon, and school has been pretty hard in the workload right now, but thanks to whoever is still reading this story. :)

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