I Promise

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     She grabs his hand as they step through the doors of the once popular South Riverdale Inn, a huge hotel vacated by almost no one. Since a fire in the kitchen that had spread to numerous rooms before the renovation, people almost never came here anymore. Which is why it is the perfect hiding place for Betty Cooper. Smiling up at Archie, she knows this, and couldn't be happier to have escaped.

   The redhead, however, is happy too, yet nervous. Archie just smiles back, trying to hide his worries, and hugs her.

"You're free Betts, finally free."

"Thank you, Arch. You have no idea how much this means to me." Her eyes fill, as the weight of her secret is lifted just a little bit.

After checking in a room, and getting settled in, Betty plugs in her phone. Her screen lights up when the charger connects, and displays sixteen missed messages and calls from both Veronica and Cheryl. Why is Cheryl calling me? Betty thinks as she locks her phone, choosing to ignore it. Soon after this, the red headed boy tells Betty he has to go, but not before  warning her to be careful, and letting her know he'll drive her to school tomorrow.

"Just...stay safe okay? I can't lose you, you're one of the only people I have left, and I can't handle the thought of you getting hurt." His eyes are pleading as he holds her in his arms, scared for not only her safety, but for his own. After all, when Alice found Betty gone, she would come straight to him. And that was something Archie was dreading. Because if Alice was willing to hit her daughter over the smallest things, what would she do to him?

"I promise Arch" Betty responds breathlessly. "Now could you please let go, you're suffocating me" She giggled.

Archie chuckles softly, "Sorry, sorry..."

"Bye Archie, see you tomorrow , oh and by the way, if anyone's going to get hurt, it'll be whoever tries to hurt me. I'm feisty like that!" Betty jokes.

Archie roars with laughter. Betty just punches him in the shoulder.

"What?!?! I am!" Betty responds, feigning anger. Archie just laughs harder.

"Sure...sure you are Betty. If there's anyone who can take care of herself it's definitely you." He's stopped laughing and looks at her with an amused smile, but sure eyes. "Goodnight Betty"

"Goodnight Archibald."

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