A milkshake for thought

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     Betty Cooper strolled down the sidewalk as the sun began to descend on the horizon. Her converse clunked on the pavement as she fastened her pace, desperate to make it in time. Pop's Chocklit Shoppe's bright lights were like a mirage as she ran to the entrance, praying that V was late. As usual, Betty opened the door and was early. Veronica wasn't even there, so Betty made her way to their usual booth. Just as Pop Tate had started walking over to Betty, Veronica Lodge strolled through the door in all her New York sophisticated glory. She perused  the diner once before noticing her best friend's ever present blonde ponytail in their usual booth. She hurried towards it, out of breath from running in her heels to make it in time. She sat down with a great heaving sigh of exhaustion as Pop took their orders.

It must have felt like hours to the starving girls, but not 10 minutes later did their burgers, fries, and milkshakes come. As they chowed down, Betty and Veronica start to gossip.

"Oh my gawd did you hear what Cheryl did yesterday at her little party?" Veronica asked Betty as she dipped a fry in ketchup.
"No. What else could she have done? She literally kicked Ginger off the Vixens last week," Betty exclaimed slightly shocked as she sipped her milkshake.
"She did what?!?" They heard a familiar voice call out in mock surprise. Archie Andrews had come for some shakes in hopes that someone he knew would be there. He was dressed in his ever present Bulldogs jacket , a white t-shirt that complemented his sculpted abs, jeans, and sneakers. His fiery red hair seemed to brighten as he looked at Veronica.

"Oh, well hello Archiekins! Tell me Teen Outlander, how was football practice today?" Veronica teased him.

"Tough, but I was offered the position of captain. I really want it, but I'm still not sure, especially with how my music is going." Archie answered truthfully. Betty beamed, super happy for her best friend. After Ms. Grundy left, Archie had almost caved in on himself in shame. Betty and Veronica were there to pick up the pieces and help him regain his usual confidence.

"Weeeeell, in that case, congratulations are in order Archiekins. I say milkshakes on us!" Veronica declared suavely. Her big brown eyes got even bigger as she smiled at their very own small town Troy Bolton. Betty looked on fondly at their exchange, but there was a sadness to her easy smile. Betty once held a torch for their dear old Archie, but he didn't even hold a candle for her. She found that out the hard way,and it still stung a little to see both of her best friends acting so flirtatious.

Betty's smile widened as she scolded herself internally. Betty, stop feeling hurt. You are fine, and it's totally okay for V and Arch to flirt . It's not like he's your boyfriend! Jesus, get ahold of yourself Elizabeth.

When she zoned back in, she noticed Veronica's dark brown eyes focused on her.
"Hello? Earth to Betty?" Veronica snapped her fingers in Betty's face twice. Betty shuddered, suddenly brought back to the present.

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