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        Veronica glares at Alice, still somewhat in shock over the news that broke earlier.

"You did what to my B?" Veronica growls, the tears drying faster as her Lodge temper gets higher and higher. Her cheeks that were shiny were now dry and red with anger.

"I did what any mother would do when challenged with raising a daughter like Betty." Alice proclaims, her head still high.

"Pardon your delusional ass? 'Challenged with raising a daughter like Betty'?" Veronica spits out. Alice nods snidely, and Cheryl puts her hand on Veronica's shoulder.

"It's not easy to raise such mentally unstable daughters, not to mention daughters who lie so often as to draw attention to themselves." Alice responds, her tone sickeningly condescending. Polly glares at Alice.

"You. Bitch." Veronica breathes, her eyes practically glowing with rage.

"Classy as always, I see, Ms.Lodge." Alice sneers, a smirk growing on her face.

Veronica storms over to Alice and slaps her across the face.

The crowd gasps.

"I hope you burn in hell, you bitch. Betty isn't a liar, unlike her mother. And she certainly didn't deserve the shit you pulled constantly with her. You're lucky I don't slap your lying, disgusting, abusive ass all the way to next week." Veronica screams sobbing, Cheryl pulling her into a hug.

"Girls, let's go." The two turn to the voice, seeing none other than Kevin Keller standing behind them. He looks broken, his heart heavy with grief. He looks at Alice, tears forming in his eyes.

"She's right, despite the fact that you think you're some perfect mother, and an amazing reporter, you're just another one of your exposés: an abusive, disgusting story that no one wants to read about." With that, he leads Cheryl and Veronica towards the door.

"Wait!" Veronica stops him, looking back. "Polly, come with us. You aren't going back to the hell hole you came from. From now on, you'll stay with me at the Pembrooke."

Polly smiles in relief, running towards the trio. And with that, Alice is left in a town hall full of glaring citizens.

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