Green Apple Eyes

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          Sighing, he takes a shot, the fiery liquid burning satisfyingly all the way down. He looks around again, trying to find Toni and Fangs. The crowded bar vibrates with the loud rock music coming out of the speakers, shaking the liquid in everyone's glasses.

"They're supposed to be here now. What the hell is taking so long?" Jughead grumbles impatiently. He's not used to waiting, being their king and all. As Sweet Pea came up the bar stairs, the beanie-clad boy waved him over.

"Sweets. Tell me, why the hell you thought it was a good idea to hurt the northside princess before I could question her? Huh? Did your chickpea sized brain just fail to comprehend my orders? Or is it just that you have the listening skills of a third grader?" He mocks Sweet Pea, smirking at Sweet Pea's face growing paler by the second.

"S-Sorry b-b-Boss. It's just...she was starting to wake up, and I didn't know what to do, especially since she got mouthy with me. But hey, she's got a pretty damn nice mouth, if you know what I mean." Sweet Pea claims smugly. Jughead grits his teeth, trying to stay calm. He has no idea why what Sweet Pea is implying bothers him so much, but one thing was for sure: he couldn't get the blonde off his mind.

"Do I look like I was born yesterday?" Jughead asks Sweet Pea, livid. "No. I don't think so. Don't think I believe for a second that you were anywhere near her lips, considering that you know if you did that, I'd cut off yours. Now, go cook up something for the girl. Make sure it's enough, don't need her dying on us while we're so close to getting what we need." The raven-haired boy orders Sweet Pea, smiling at the other boys frown.

Nodding, Sweet Pea shuffles into the kitchen. Shaking his head, Jughead's mind goes to the blonde. Her eyes, a pool of green, and her hair, a lazy river of honey. Quickly, he jots down the details in a small notebook, trying to create a character for his next novel. Remembering when she cried out in pain, he stiffens the tiniest bit. He hates himself for that, but, he was only doing his job. And besides, she was a northsider.

"Nobody to get too worked up over," Jughead thinks, calling the bartender over. After looking over the specials in the time it took Juaquin to come over, nothing really catches his attention except for the Green Appletini, which just reminds him of her green apple eyes.

"Hey! Get me another shot, and for a drink...surprise me, but make it strong." He rubs his temples, trying to stop the light pounding in his head, a result of all the clamor of the patrons in the bar.

As Toni and Fangs walk up the stairs, he peruses the bar. When he sees them, he downs his shot. Grabbing his drink, he strides over to them.

"Geez, finally. What took you so long?" He grumbles. Toni and Fangs share a look before Fangs pipes up.

"Sorry boss, it's just...we had to...well, you see," Fangs stammers, obviously put on edge by Jughead's razor sharp tone. Jughead eyes him warily, while Toni rolls her eyes and answers for him.

"We had to do a little bit of inventory, and it appears that Fangs may have partaken in some of that vodka we had to throw out." Toni lies, smirking ever-so-slightly. Suddenly, Sweet Pea rushes up the stairs in a panic. Fangs notices first and gulps. Tugging on Toni's arm, he points discreetly at the tall male running towards the little group. Toni curses under her breath, which Jughead raises an eyebrow at.

"Oh no, oh no." Sweet Pea mutters. Eyeing each other fearfully, Toni and Fangs slowly step back.

"Jesus, Sweets,what is it now? The microwave a little to complicated for you?" Jughead snarls distastefully, clearly annoyed by his presence.

"Uh, Boss, we have a slight problem." Sweet Pea informs the leather-clad leader. Jughead scoffs, rolling his eyes.

"And that would be...?"

"She's gone."

A/N: Sooo? What do ya think? I wanted to give you guys a treat, since I figured you might want to see what Jughead's would be like! Please, don't hesitate to comment what you think! Till next time!
~Your trusty author.

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