Let's do this

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She pouts her lips at her reflection, gliding the lipstick across her bottom lip once more. Looking at herself fully, she has to admit she's fairly nervous. This is for her best friend after all, and what would people say if she messed up on her speech or looked overdressed or underdressed? The socialites of New York might have been uptight and judgmental, but at least she always knew they thought she looked good.

"No," she reminds herself delicately. "This is for B. It doesn't matter about appearances unless it's hers."

She feels a hand rest on her shoulder. Red hair sways into view as Cheryl rests her head on Veronica's shoulder.

"She'd be so proud of you." Cheryl smiles delicately. Her lips move into a frown, her eyes saddening. "I miss her so much."

Veronica's eyes fill with tears, a sad smile crossing her lips.

"I do too, Cher. I do too. Have you seen Archiekins lately? He's been pretty quiet lately, and I'm not sure if that's because of Betty or-" Cheryl cuts her off.

"That's actually what I'm here to talk to you about. Veronica, we've been trying to find a way to tell you this..." Cheryl bites her bottom lip. "He's...he's gone too. Whoever got Betty got him too."

Cheryl lets out a small sob, covering her mouth with her hand. "I'm sorry Veronica, I didn't know how to tell you."

"H-he can't be. No way, Cheryl. But...but-" the raven-haired girl mutters, her eyes welling with tears. "Oh my god. Oh my god."

"Hey, ladies? The rally is about to start." Tom Keller pokes his head into the room, a solemn expression on his tired face. Cheryl nods, and takes Veronica's hand.

"I know you're freaking out and you're probably in shock, but now? We need to use that fire that you and I both have, and get them back. And we will." Cheryl consoles her softly. The Latina only nods, dabbing the corners of her eyes with a tissue. "Let's do this."

The two walk out hand in hand, a united front. As they walk to the small stage in town hall, the townspeople are buzzing at the sight of the two heiresses of feuding families together. They stand at the podium together, fingers still intertwined.

"Good evening citizens of Riverdale," Veronica begins. "Tonight, we are here to come together to support and rally for Betty Cooper and Archie Andrews. The two happiest and sweetest teens you all know went missing in a span of a week. Betty was first, just last Friday she was taken." Veronica sniffles, her eyes quickly filling with tears.

"And Archie was taken a few days ago, most likely by the same people who took my poor cousin. So tonight, I ask you, no, I demand you to search for them. They were two angels amongst a town full of sin, and kept at least a little bit of saneness in our crazy little town. Fred Andrews, Archie's dear father, is going to lead a search party tomorrow morning at dawn. We need you to join and try to find Betty and Archie, or at least some sort of clue to help us." Cheryl continues for Veronica, her gaze sweeping the crowd.

Her eyes land on a stone-faced Alice Cooper in the back. Something about her expression is off-putting to Cheryl, though she doesn't know why.

Veronica follows Cheryl's gaze, confused at why Cheryl is shooting daggers at Alice. She shrugs, then continues where Cheryl left off.

"Please call the Sheriff's station if you have any more information, and don't hesitate to call either Cheryl or I." Cheryl's eyes snap up, a new fire ignited within them.

"And if the person who took them is in here, know this: I will find you. I will find Betty and Archie. And when I find you? You're gonna regret being born." Cheryl seethes on the stage, eyes sweeping a burning path over the crowd. People applaud and cheer, a little out of fear but mostly because they agree, and Sheriff Keller steps to the podium.

"And remember: even if you don't think it's important call anyways. Any little thing could be helpful, whether it be a piece of paper or a-" He's cut off by the doors slamming open, a frazzled blonde girl running in. A collective gasp is drawn from the crowd.


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