Chapter Twenty Five

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~Cleopatra's POV~

I rolled onto the drive, gently breaking the bike, and parking it beside Dad and Jamie's.

I pulled the helmet off, fluffing my hair a little to make it sure didn't stick to the back of my neck. I grabbed my bag, throwing it over my shoulder, and pulled the zip of my leather jacket down a little so I could curl up as soon as I got inside.

I slowed as I drew closer to the door. Loki was stood beside the hanging basket, admiring the flowers that were blossoming.

"Hi," I waved at him, watching as he turned around, his lips quirking into a small smile.

He raised his hand too, "Cleopatra." He bowed his head slightly, in his own mark of respect.

"My Dads aren't in, if you're looking for them."

"Oh no," he shook his head, "I was actually looking for you."

"Oh..." I glanced around, feeling a slight worry, "do you want to come in? I'll make us a cup of tea?"

"That would be lovely," he said gratefully, clasping my hands before stepping back so I could unlock the door.

"I hope you weren't waiting there too long," I called over my shoulder, as I kicked my boots off and walked to the kitchen to fill the kettle with water.

Loki followed me, his hands clasped behind his back as he walked over to the table and chairs, "not too long, don't worry."

I was too nervous to make small talk, and he looked as if he were too busy contemplating something. I made our drinks, and placed his on the coaster in front of him. He thanked me, but stayed quiet.

I played with the handle of my mug, before breaking the silence. "Is everything okay?" I asked gently.

He tilted his head to the side, almost like he was pondering his words. "Did you know that there was a prophecy when I lived on Asgard? Dahlia and I met, and apparently we fulfilled the prophecy that our children would unite the realms - half frost-giant, half-human, and raised with Asgardian heritage."

I remembered parts of the story, but I could tell he didn't want to be interrupted.

"I don't want my children to rule the realms... but Tyr didn't know what he wanted, and we thought that having a... what do you call it?" He frowned, before sighing, "gap year, is it? Having a year to visit and train on Asgard could have been good for him. But I see that isn't the case anymore."

"Have you asked him about it?" I wasn't sure I wanted to be involved with this - I had already overstepped my mark by talking to Dahlia the other week.

Loki's eyes narrowed slightly, "of course. He thought he could get away with lying. But he would have told you this, as you two are involved. What has he told you?"

"I'm not sure I'm the best person to-"

"Come with me." He reached his hand out, fingers wrapping around my arm before I had the sensation of falling through the floor.

I blinked, staring at the man in front of me. He wasn't quite Loki anymore - his skin, like Tyrs sometimes did, had faded to blue, with raises and bumps, and eyes a muddy red brown.

He raised his eyebrow, then gestured at the room around him. It felt like a throne room of some kind - similar to Asgard, but instead of the gold decorations, it was old stone.

He took a step away from me, wiping a finger along the top of the throne in front of us.

"Is this Jotunheim?" I asked, my body shaking as I realised I had involuntarily been taken to another realm. "Why did you bring me here?"

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