Chapter Eleven

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~Cleopatras POV~

"I can't believe I'm talking to you." I ran a hand over my face. "This is crazy."

"Because you're missing me?" Tyr teased down the phone.

I rolled my eyes and flopped down onto my bed. "Because you're on a different planet, oh mighty God."

Tyr paused, "realm." He corrected me. "And I miss you." He mumbled.

My heart sped up, and I couldn't help the grin that stretched across my face. "I miss you too." I whispered.

I could hear him clearing his throat, and moving around a little down the phone. "How's being suspended?"

I sighed, "boring. The tattoo parlour is full so I can't do any work experience, and my dads garage is having a busy week, so they need actual professionals working. I'm sort of on tea and coffee duties while they work."

Tyr chuckled softly, "that must suck. You're still working in the evening right?"

"Only today and Thursday this week." I rolled onto my front. "The work school is emailing me doesn't really make sense either, and I can't work on my art cause I left my stupid book in the classroom."

"Aw, poor pharaoh." Tyr cooed jokingly, "a week off must be awful."

"You can talk, you're playing with your Uncle for a week."

"Working." He corrected me, "I'm basically running around after him like I'm his assistant." He groaned, "there's too much work."

"You told me that's what you wanted though." I pointed out, "next year you're leaving to work with your Uncle."

I could hear him sigh, and I curled my arm around a pillow next to me, wanting to send comfort his way.

"I do want to work with my Uncle."

I scoffed at how unenthusiastic he sounded. "Do you?"

"It's a long story." He grumbled. "Too long." Suddenly his voice sounded a lot clearer, almost brighter.

"Did you talk to your Mum?" I closed my eyes, waiting for his reply. Overhearing his Dad arguing with Thor was one thing I never wanted to do again.

"Grandad is dying." He muttered. I blinked at how blunt he was being, but stayed quiet as he sighed. "He's... a pain. He was cruel to Mum, and he wasn't a very good father to Dad, so I've got a... strenuous relationship with him."

"Have you seen him?" Tyr had left to Asgard in the early hours of this morning. I'd hoped we would have been able to spend our week off together, but after what I'd heard in the bathroom, his Uncle had whisked him away.

"He's fallen into the Odinsleep."

I curled up tighter, "What does that mean?"

"It means it's not looking good. He sleeps so his body and powers can recover, but it's looking like he'll just give up instead." There was a harshness in his voice that I hadn't heard before, and I felt my heart lurching to reach out and hold him.


"I don't want to talk about it." He whispered.

I gulped, "Okay. Can I ask you something else?"

I had been mulling a question over ever since I'd left his house. During Loki's shouting match down the phone, he'd mentioned something that confused me.

"What is it?"

"Your Dad mentioned a prophecy... something about forcing his children to rule." I could hear Tyrs breath catch, and I knew I'd hit a sore subject. "Sorry, I'll stop talking."

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