When Bit

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Beth's POV://
I was sat still, clinging on to Maggie's arm. She looked so pale and couldn't breathe. "Maggie? You okay?" I tried to sound brave but I just sounded more scared than I did before.

The TV was still blaring but I couldn't take it in. But I finally heard the words: "Even a scratch can kill you. A bite is even more fatal. Remember aim for the head." The news reporter looked just as scared as the rest of us.

Daddy walked in about then. He's obviously been drinking in the kitchen. I hated when he was like this. "Did you hear that Daddy?" Maggie asked trembling. "Yes, baby." His speech was slurred and I didn't believe what he said next.

"We've gotta get outa here. Into a bigger group. They can help us."
"Daddy you do realise, that there are hundreds of flesh eating things, out there? There's no way we'd survive a day trying to get somewhere safe!" Her voice was strong. I could never stand up to Daddy like that. Before Daddy or Maggie could say anything else, there was a scream coming from outside.

I ran to the window to see my Mom getting her neck chewed away by a zombie. Tears stung my eyes as I let out a scream. I heard the door slam and Daddy run outside, Maggie and I followed. Dad hit the zombie around the head with his bear glass but it still continued to snarl and work its way toward us. From the corner of my eye I saw Maggie pick up a plank of wood, and swing at the zombie's head. I watched in terror as I saw it fall to the floor.

Daddy leant over my Mom's cold, lifeless body. I couldn't stand to see all the blood. I held my Moms hand not believing she was dead. I didn't know what to do did we leave her like that or would she turn into one of those things. I was too upset to care. With Maggie sobbing behind me, I hugged her tight and cried into her chest.

I heard a crack and saw that Daddy had hit Mom around the head. And just like that, that's how I knew the world would be from now on.

Authors notes// I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I will update it as soon as I can!❤️💀

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