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IM SO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED. I legit forgot about it omg. Sorry ily.

Beth's POV//
Losing Dale was tragic. The fact that daryl had to put him down was even worse. It really hit home to the camp, dale was with them from the beginning. And Andrea was falling apart.

Rick and Shane had gone to do something away from camp, I'm not sure what though. Lori was stressing out. She was pregnant, but she was sleeping with Shane. I wondered why she would betray Rick like that?

We were all waiting in the living room waiting for Rick and Shane to come back. They'd been gone for over an hour when Lori barged into the room.
"That's it! I'm going to look for them!"

"No! They'll be back soon! If you go out there you'll die!" Andrea shouted out her. Lori slowly sat back down and released a breath.

I shot daryl a worried look as he looked out the window trying to see Rick or Shane. Instead he shot up from his chair.
"Walkers. Loads heading this way."

My heart lept and my blood rushed from my brain.
"Oh god! What do we do?" Carol said holding tight to her daughter.
My dad shot her a look.
"I don't know about you people, but I'm protecting my home." He said.

"No offence sir, but they're getting closer and we can't hold them off between us, there are loads of them out there!" Daryl said looking out the window occasionally.
"We need to get out onto the road maybe find some shelter or something." He continued.

"But what about Rick? Shane?" Lori said worriedly.

"We have to go Lori, I'm sure they'll find us on the road." I spoke up. Everyone looked at me, and some have me a nod of agreement.

"We need to decide right now what we're going to do now guys!" Glenn said.

We finally decided to get out of the farm and get into the vehicles and make it to the main road.

Daryl barged out first shooting as many as he could who crowded the front door. The rest of us followed.

Living vs The Dead.

So I changed the plot a little bit but oh whale.

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