Your Eyes

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Beth POV//
It's been two weeks since the world has gone to shit, and Daryl arrived. Daryl. Always sucking up to Daddy, helping him with everything. I mean it's nice and all, but that's mine and Maggie's job.

I don't know why it's getting to me so much. I should be happy for Daddy now he has someone to 'hang out with'. But now Mom has gone, it's as if he's forgotten about her. Like he never cared.

Maggie and I are doing what we did before. Looking after all the animals on the farm. It's good to be out here. Not many of them come out here because it quiet. I haven't killed one yet. I haven't needed to.

As I'm just about to make lunch I hear footsteps coming behind me. At first I think it's Daddy because I smell booze, but as I turn around I realise it's Daryl.

Turning to face him properly, he'd obviously been drinking with Daddy.

"You okay, need any help?" His speech it slurred and he can hardly stand up properly.

"No I'm okay. Thanks." I say stubbornly.

"Ohh! Don't get you pants in a twist girl! Jesus!" I know he doesn't mean this because he's drunk, but it's still making me angry.

"Screw you." I say and push past him. I must have pushed him quite hard because he fell to the floor.

At first I find it quite funny, but then I realise he looks in pain. Going over to him I help him up and guide him to the couch.

Laying him down, I plump the pillows and go to leave but he pulls my arm

"Stay." His doesn't seem as drunk as he was a few minutes ago so I decide to stay.

I pull up a chair next to him and I catch his eyes.

"Your eyes are beautiful Beth." I blush at his words. No one has ever complimented me like that before.

I turn to look at again. "I mean it." And I blush even more.

Authors notes//woah! 150+ reads! You guys are the best!😊 I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I think in the next one they're going to get to know each other more. Anyway! Thank you so much for reading!😉

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