A Lot Of Thinking

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Beth's POV//:
It's been two days since Daryl and I went on a supply run. Carl is back on his feet, so that's good.

What's also good, is since this whole thing started, I haven't cut my wrists once.

Daddy and Daryl are still working on the barn roof. They think it's a good idea for Rick and his group to stay in there, because Daryl took the last spare bedroom.

I was about to make lunch, when I heard someone behind me. Maggie.

"Hey Bethy." Maggie says sweetly eating a carrot I was about to cut up.

"Hi. You okay?" I asked confused to why she would be talking to me, when she's usually with Glenn Rhee, a member of Ricks group. Also known as 'walker bait'. The water supply wasn't running very well. We soon found out there was a walker down the well, it must've fallen in one night. So the group sent Glenn down to help get the walker out. That's where Maggie's nickname for him came in.

"Yeah I'm fine. What about Daryl?" She winked.
"Uh. What?" I asked genuinely confused.
"You know." She said.
"No. Really, I don't." Really intrigued by what she was trying to get at.
"Bethy, I see the way you look at each other. It's obvious he likes you, and you like him. Stop lying to yourself about it."
I hadn't really thought about Daryl in that way. Sure I held his hand in the truck, and he didn't pull away, but I thought that was just a sign to say he was comfortable with me.
"I don't think of him in that way." I sat getting back to make him lunch.
"Yeah. Sure you don't." She snickered.

"Hey. What about you and Mr. Perfect huh? Walker bait?" I asked confidently.
"No. We're just friends." Maggie said backing away.
"Yeah. Sure you are." I mimicked.
"Anyway. Getting back to my point. You need to tell Daryl how you feel." Maggie said concerned.
"But that's the problem Mags. I don't know how I feel."
"Think about it then." Maggie says taking another carrot and leaving.

She's right. I need to think about it.

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