Wylde gone, aftermath, Ruins Realm

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Meanwhile tall transformers are seen spinning around giant spiked metal balls across the track making sparks on the track is Luke, Vert and Kurt they make a curve Vert said "Just stay with us, Kurt" Luke staring he said "We can get through this" But they didn't get a reply confusing them Vert ask "Kurt, can you hear us" Luke ask "Kurt"?

Suddenly 'Kurt' changes to reveal a Silencerz right behind them Luke's eyes widen "Silencerz" Vert shock while the Silencerz press a button sending energy hitting Vert making purple electricity appear on his car Vert said "Whoa" Luke yells "Vert" His car got hit as well he grunts making him and Vert slow down for the Silencer to drive pass.

Vert and Luke came to a stop Vert hit his wheel in anger and Luke growls glaring at the Silencerz who kept going making a curve but suddenly a wrecking ball goes on the track making sparks and surprising the Silencerz to get hit and send into the air then a bright light surrounds him and disappears along with his car surprising Vert and Luke.

The Silencer comes flying out of the portal at the Silencerz Headquarters it bounce twice then skids to a stop upside down making the 1st Silencerz turn to see him talking while Lani turns said "Vert and Luke's back online" Esmeralda looks at the screens Vert said "I think we know how to get through" Luke staring he said "You have to drive the perfect line".

The wrecking balls keep going across the track Vert said "Hit the right apex in every turn" Porkchop swing his arm said "Yeah" He move his arms in front of him "Hit the apex" But then he got confused "What's an apex" Karma turns she said "It's where your inside wheels run closest to the inside of a turn" The screen shows the straight line.

Lani turns she said "Where you go driving into a turn to drive out of a turn" Esmeralda raise a brow ask "Did that make sense, Porkchop" Porkchop nods groaning as Lani turns back, she said "Vert, Luke" Tezla turns he said "The Silencerz are close again" Wylde and Kurt are on the track passing a wrecking ball they hit the apex passing another wrecking ball they do it again avoiding another wrecking ball while Wylde remembers something.


Kurt and Mark stand together Kurt ask "What are you worried about, Marky" Mark stares at him "This deal wasn't cool I wouldn't go anywhere near it" Kurt shrug his shoulders "And if something does go wrong" He place a hand on Mark's shoulder "We'll be in it together" The next thing Mark knew he's in a cell he growls holding the bars.

Flashback end

Wylde growls he shift gears going faster driving up next to Kurt then hits him who hits back making sparks between them Kurt said "Back off" They drive pass a long pile of junk, but Kurt hit a bit causing him to grunt and sway while Wylde gets in front of him he laughs but looks forward screams as a wrecking ball swings onto the track hitting Wylde sending him into the air.

Kurt use the apex avoiding the wrecking ball as Wylde hits a mountain and flips down through the junk in his path till he came to a stop while Kurt stops his car he looks where Wylde is "You can blame for this too, Marky" Wylde groans leaning forward as Kurt stares "You always do" He looks forward and drives away leaving Wylde who leans back groaning.

Meanwhile Luke and Vert are still trying to get their cars going Luke said "Come on" His car starts he smiles "Alright" Vert hits his wheel he said "I'm gonna finish this race" The electricity stops Vert smiles "Yeah-h-h" Luke looks to Vert he said "Let's shift the curl" Vert nods and the brothers drive forward while Shirako avoiding a wrecking ball he drift to the middle "Pull up like".

He bobs to the music "'Can I park like here'" Shirako looks at his side mirror "Fresh from the pick" riding towards him is a Drone it and Shirako avoid a wrecking ball "Engine sounds nice" Shirako sees the Drone next to him "With a new V6 and my kicks is clean" It rides forward on the curve "And I'm mean when I drive by watch me clean".

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