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Hello Singh
How are you doing
I'm doing well thank you I'm just watching he-man or at least the old he-man movies or TV shows actually on Netflix. I haven't been in the new movie theatre for quite some time since the Covid started. So I have no idea what a movie theatre is like but anyway. I heard about the legend of the 10 rings I think I'm gonna go and try to watch that one time if it's on Netflix. The only thing the new that I watched was the he-man reruns on Netflix.
Yes I also got a book on palmistry always learn to book on palmistry and I am learning about how to read knuckles and palms as well as other features of the hand here you would be surprise what do you Hand will tell about you if you let it. I am very interested in divination and other spiritual things I'm also reading a dream the dictionary as well. I'm hoping I can create my own dream dictionary because there are some things that I dream of and other people may dream of that don't show up in thedream dictionary.  I have at least 11 different tarot cards and also oracle cards and I have quite a few books on taro and oracle cards and I haven't read yet but no dream dictionary and otherwise I have to read before Halloween because you belong to someone else.
Yes I am hoping to make a Miral out of those two pictures making a mixture of the two pictures into the actual mirror of the sun in the big dipper or plough  as it is some times  sometimes called. 
I'm also learning about how to acquire patience which is something that I am not very fond of learning but have to do so in order to be a happier person as last week I had to blowups because I have patients related things and someone who is either way I was ordering the whole menu off of MacDonald and driving completely wild.
Hope to hear from you soon

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